Sugarless Peppermint Gum

Saharah was in town yesterday, and she asked me to make some deliveries for her. First, I delivered a rug to Phyllis, some carpeting to Tom Nook (which I barely made in time before the shop closed), and then some wallpaper for Blathers. Saharah then offered me a western vista or a western desert.

Saharah: Do you want a western vista or a western desert?

I’ve had them both before, so I just chose the wallpaper for no particular reason.

There were several shooting stars in the sky, and I managed to make a wish on one of them.

Wishing on a shooting star in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Today, I received a letter from Wishy (the shooting star): Somewhat ominously, he sent me a mummy’s casket. I’m pretty sure I didn’t wish for a dead body from thousands of years ago, but yeah, thanks anyway.

Katrina was in town, and I paid her 100 bells to tell my fortune. She started talking about an otter with thoughtful eyes (presumably Pascal), swimming in a pool.

Katrina: An otter with thoughtful eyes does the backstroke in a 50-meter pool...

She said this training was his key to victory. Victory in what, though? And how does this relate to me?

Katrina: Performing this basic training every day is his secret to victory.

She said it may mean nothing, or it may mean everything. Then she took my money.

At town hall, I saw a part of the chewing gum dialogue that I didn’t see in previous years. Pelly said that when Phyllis gets stressed out, she starts chewing gum. So Pelly bought her some sugarless peppermint gum…

Pelly: Sugarless peppermint gum! This way, no matter how much she chews,...

…so that Phyllis doesn’t gain weight and lose her teeth! 😆

Pelly: ...she won't gain weight, and more importantly, her teeth won't fall out of her head!

Dotty has still been sick, so I gave her some more medicine yesterday and again today. Get well soon, Dotty!

See you all next time!

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