Eloise Exits

Yesterday, I noticed that Drift has straightened up his house a bit. He lined up all of his bugs against his back wall, and his house has never been so neat and clean. 😆

Drift and his five bugs, lined up neatly against his back wall.

It also shows how many bugs I’ve caught for him. 😛

When I visited Truffles, she actually looked lovely for once. 😉

Truffles, not visible standing behind a lovely kitchen: Good evening! You're still full of energy, aren't you? Snoutie!

Eloise, meanwhile, has continued to show me how snooty she can be.

Eloise: Hmmm... You know what your problem is? You're lacking a distinct personal style.

She told me that I should start a rockabilly band to play for her enjoyment.

Eloise: You should form a band and play rockabilly for me to dance to.

Today, Truffles asked me to take a gift (a fluffy shirt) over to Filbert, and I agreed to help out. Filbert complimented me on the speedy delivery, and then…said he and Truffles were worried about me. Why would they be worried if it was a speedy delivery? 🤔

Filbert: Huh huh huh! That was fast. Truffles and I were worried about you, pal.

Truffles rewarded me with a ranch armchair.

A message posted to the bulletin board was about being the author being rebellious and looking at whatever she wants. Unless it’s gross, of course. 😛

-Talking to Myself- Who was it that decided some things shouldn't be seen? I'll see what I want! ...Unless it's GROSS!

Tank has come down with a cold this week, so I gave him some medicine Wednesday, yesterday, and today. Get well soon, Tank!

When I went into Eloise’s house, I saw that she was all packed up and ready to move out. Like I mentioned in last week’s entry, I feel like it’s time to let her go…so I did.

Eloise: It's not your business, but I've got a dream I have to pursue. Someplace else.

Her snootiness has been annoying me lately, and she’s had a nice, long stay in Forest (two full years). Bye, Eloise!

I plan on posting my next Wild World video this weekend, so keep an eye out for that! Have a great weekend!

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