Frog-Gone It!

I was quite disappointed to find a goodbye letter from Jeremiah in the mail tonight. He was probably my 3rd-favorite villager in town, behind Kiki and Big Top. And the worst part is that I never got his villager pic, even though I got Bree’s pic last week (and I don’t even like her).

Oh, by the way, Jeff, Oh, hey! When I moved out of Forest, I took a tile from the plaza... Was Tortimer mad? I'm nervous! -Jeremiah

Well, at least I got to enjoy his birthday party with him last week. Hopefully the birthday present I gave him (a beach chair) wasn’t what drove him away. 😛

Teddy told me that he saw Kabuki and Bree gazing into each other’s eyes, but he didn’t know if they were having a staring contest or if something was going on between them. I’m hoping it was just a staring contest. Kabuki surely must have better taste than that.

Teddy: Hey, I saw Kabuki and Bree gazing into each other's eyes...

The latest Message of the Week on the bulletin board said that removing bandages hurts…so we should just leave them on.

*Message of the Week* Removing bandages hurts. Leave them on!

I did a lot of fishing tonight, but I didn’t catch either of the fish I needed for the museum. But I still made some good catches, including an arapaima, a hammerhead shark, a barred knifejaw, and a bunch of red snappers. But sadly, no coelacanths, even though it was raining.

I earned about 85,000 bells on the night.

Bree’s Pic

Yesterday (July 8th) was Jeremiah’s birthday, so I started up the game so that I could attend his birthday party. I gave him a beach chair that I bought at Nookington’s for his birthday present. He didn’t exactly seem thrilled with it, but he said he’d be happy with any gift…even a soggy peanut.

Jeremiah: Well, I'd be happy just to receive a soggy peanut, so this'll do!

He gave me a range to thank me for the present. Rosie was also at the party, so I spoke with her as well. But oddly enough, she kept looking at Jeremiah for the entire time I was talking to her!

Rosie: Well, let's get this Jeremiah party started, silly!

Weddings, not birthdays, were on Big Top’s mind. He said that weddings are so fun, because of the great food. And then he said that he wanted to get married soon! Food is probably not the best reason to get married, big guy.

Big Top: Man, I want to get married soon, villain.

While I was in the northern part of town, I heard a UFO! I quickly got my slingshot out and ran to the east. But I was just a few seconds too late; it flew over the border and out of town. I believe this was my third UFO encounter, and I still haven’t shot one down yet. But this one was the closest I’ve come so far.

Gulliver's UFO flies in the skies over Forest in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

I went fishing and bug-catching, and I scored a number of valuable catches. When I took my money to the bank at town hall, I noticed that I had saved up a million bells…so I used it to make my next Boondox donation!

Pelly: What?! 1,000,000 bells?! Goodness! ...My apologies! You just shocked me a bit...

Even though I still need to donate a whopping four million more bells before I can get the rainbow feather, I figured that donating in million bell chunks is a good way to do it.

Today, I received a letter back from Boondox. Apparently, an eagle from Boondox is taking a cruise around the world.

Dear Jeff, An eagle I know is taking a trip around the world! She's not flying, though. She's taking a cruise! -From Boondox

As I was standing outside of town hall, Bree approached me and, to my surprise, gave me her picture!

Bree: Let's start some! OK, what you gotta do is take this picture of me. Cute, huh?

I didn’t particularly want her picture, to be honest. But I guess I’ll take it. I took it home to take a look at it.

Bree's pic among other villager pics in Jeff's ACWW house.

Bree’s favorite quote made her sound a bit greedy, but I’d expect no less from her. 😛

Summer Fish Season

Teddy told me that he read that walking is good for you. So he concluded that the “animal body” is amazing…especially his.

Teddy: Man alive, dumbbell! The animal body is amazing...especially mine!

After saving Kiki from moving out, I found a note in a bottle on the beach. Inside, there was a love letter from Joanna to Lucio.

Dearest Lucio, I'm waiting, you know! You said you would write daily. Is there someone else? Another pen pal? I love you! -Love, Joanna

Bree informed me that the flea market is coming up on Saturday. She said she uses it as a way to get rid of gifts from her exes.

Bree: I use it as an opportunity to get rid of excess stuff like gifts from exes.

After i was done making my rounds, I spent over an hour fishing (and a little bug-catching too). Now that July is here, that means both fish I need (the blue marlin and dorado) are now in season. Even though I didn’t find either one of them yet, I did make a lot of good catches tonight. That included three arapaimas, two arowanas, an atlas beetle, an elephant beetle, two gars, a hammerhead shark, four red snappers, two scorpions, an ocean sunfish, and more.

I caught an ocean sunfish! Don't look directly at it!

Those catches also netted me about 150,000 bells. But I have more fishing to do this summer, and I’m determined to catch both of the fish I need. See you next time!