Bug Exhibit Complete!

I played earlier today, and it helped that I hadn’t changed my Wii U time since Daylight Saving Time began. The extra hour allowed me to try for the peacock butterfly, so I grabbed my purple and black hybrids out of my house and put them outside. I also noticed a new purple tulip had popped up.

Three hybrid flowers plus one new purple tulip on the right.

No peacocks appeared immediately of course, so I went on and made my rounds (watering flowers and speaking with villagers). I saved Big Top from moving again, and I checked out Crazy Redd’s tent. He had a solemn painting for sale, but I didn’t need it.

When I visited Rosie, she told me she was on a miso soup diet. She has to eat drink ten gallons of soup every day! Yikes!

Rosie: I have to drink ten gallons of miso soup every single day!

I visited Bree, and she reminded me to keep watering my flowers. But then she made an odd analogy about flowers and women.

Bree: Flowers are kinda like women, cheeseball.

She said that flowers, like women, might hit me with a net!

Bree: Give 'em care and they perk up, but ignore 'em and they wilt and hit you with a net.

Back outside, Gaston wanted to trade his backyard fence for my tiger butterfly, no matter what Gaston thought about it. Wait, what?

Gaston: Whoa! Really? Well, I don't care what Gaston says.

After that, I returned home to look for a peacock butterfly. I tried walking around back and forth, and I tried going in and out of my house a number of times. It was taking a while, and I was about to give up. But then…I saw it! I caught the peacock, and it was the last bug I needed! Yay! 😀

Jeff, holding a peacock butterfly: I caught every kind of bug!

I rushed over to the museum and handed it to Blathers. The insect exhibit at the museum is now complete!

Blathers: Hoo my! Could this mean that the bug exhibit is now entirely complete?!

I still need two fish and two paintings to complete the museum. The two fish won’t be available until July, and the two paintings could take me even longer (unless I get lucky). But it feels good to at least finish the bug exhibit. 🙂

High Heels

I found a note in a bottle on the beach tonight, and it announced a new movie! It has an all-star cast and it cost $20 billion to make! Except the note didn’t happen to mention the title of the movie… Oops.

Just announced! A film with a production cost of $20,000,000,000 and an all-star cast coming soon!

I visited Big Top, and he told me that he is happy to make more friends, even if those friends are fish.

Big Top: I'm always happy to make more friends, even if they're, uh, fish.

And he must have a lot of fishy friends, because his house is still filled with fish. Even after all these months, he still doesn’t have a single piece of furniture other than fish aquariums.

Crazy Redd was in town, and I bought another awesome painting from him. This is the 4th awesome painting I’ve bought from him, and it ended up being just like all the others…fake.

I listened in on a conversation between Kiki and Rosie. Kiki saw an article about high heels in Ms. Nintendique magazine, and she said it reminded her of Rosie. Rosie seemed offended, saying that she doesn’t even wear shoes.

Rosie: I mean, you can't even BUY shoes in this stupid town, so why would I care?

Kiki responded that it was because Rosie does martial arts, and she could do some serious damage by kicking with high heels on. Yikes, what exactly is she thinking about kicking? Actually, I don’t think I want to know.

Bree was still sick, so I gave her some medicine once again. I want her to feel healthy, so that she can prance right out of town. 😛

When I visited Roald, he was being a little…weird.

Roald: My abs rock my stomach! My stomach rocks my brain! My brain rocks the HOUSE!

Even though the peacock butterfly is officially in-season now that March is here, it is a daytime bug. And I played much too late in the day to find one. But I’ll keep it in mind, and I’ll have to try to catch it soon.

Joining the Roald Club

Mom sent me an interesting letter in the mail today. She said that she put one of her old sweaters in the dryer and it shrunk. In fact, it shrunk so much that she put it on my old teddy bear! For some reason, I’m picturing it on Mr. Bean’s teddy bear. 😛

Dear Jeff, I accidentally put one of my sweaters in the dryer and it shrunk. Now your old teddy bear wears it. He looks great! -Mom

Big Top told me how much he loves sea bass. That made me wonder if everything was alright with him. But he suggested a competition to see who could catch one first.

Big Top: I'll show you just how much I love the sea bass!

Roald approached me and gave me a free tartan rug. He said I was now an official member of the Roald Club. But that meant I would have to start jogging, because he scorns flabby members! Man, what is with chubby penguins always calling me fat? Puck does the same thing in the GameCube game.

When I visited Margie, she wasn’t officially sick, but she told me she had a sore throat. So she was sucking on a sweet tea lozenge.

Margie: I'm sucking on a sweet tea lozenge to soothe my throat.

Bree was sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine. How come Margie can get herself a lozenge, but Bree can’t buy her own medicine?

I went fishing, and caught a sea bass for Big Top (after catching not one, but two tires). I took the fish to Big Top, and he was disappointed that he lost the competition. He rewarded me with 500 bells for the sea bass, though.

Jeremiah asked if I had ever eaten shark fin soup. I said no, and he was shocked. He said that was like not living half my life in a pond. 😛

Jeremiah: It's like not living half of your life, in a pond!

A few other notes:

  • It was raining today, so I didn’t have to water any flowers. Whew!
  • Kiki tried to move out. I stopped her.
  • Crazy Redd had an amazing painting for sale. Not so amazing, because I didn’t need it.
  • Jeremiah gave me a free shanty wall.
  • I only found one of today’s fossils. That’s the one downside of having green grass again. Less contrast for finding dig spots.