Lemon Drinks

Crazy Redd had a perfect painting for sale today, but of course, I didn’t need it.

Tonight, I listened in on a conversation between Roald and Jeremiah. Roald said that someday, he’s going to fill a pool with lemonade and swim laps while he drinks.

Roald: Someday, I'm gonna fill a pool with lemonade!
Sorry to break it to you, but if you saw a pool with yellow liquid in it, that was not lemonade…

Jeremiah responded that he would rather fill a pool with crème brûlée. Roald did not like that idea.

Roald: CREME BRULEE?! What kind of sissitude is that?!

Jeremiah then said that he doesn’t have a pool, and he wondered if Tom Nook would dig one for him.

Jeremiah: Do you think Tom Nook would dig one for me, in a pond?

Roald said that Tom Nook was too flabby to do that much hard work.

Anyway, I later visited Bree. She told me it was hard work being pretty. I wonder how she found out? Maybe Margie or Rosie told her.

Bree: Phew! It's not easy being so pretty, cheeseball. It's hard work!

She tried making an analogy about love and affection, comparing them to lemon tea and mango mousse. But I think she got a bit confused somewhere along the way.

Bree: I'd rather have a lot of lemon tea or lemon tea.

And why are lemon-flavored beverages the main topic of discussion today?

Gaston asked if I wanted to have a competition to see who could catch a pond smelt first, and I declined the offer. So he asked if I was an antisocial freak.

Gaston: Hey! Are you some kind of antisocial freak or something?

And on that pleasant note, I ended my game for the night. See you all next time!

Snow is Lazy?

It was snowing in town tonight, and that was a huge relief. That meant I didn’t have to water my (many) wilted flowers.

There was a new Message of the Week posted to the bulletin board: It said advice is easy, but listening is hard. Very true.

*Message of the Week* Advice is easy. Listening is hard.

Crazy Redd had a worthy painting up for sale, but I didn’t need that one. I can’t wait until I complete my painting collection so I never have to deal with this painting nonsense again. Well, at least not in this game.

I ran into Roald the penguin, and he told me that snow is so lazy that it’s disgusting. I didn’t really understand what he meant.

Roald: Snow is so lazy! It's disgusting! Look at it, loafin' around like that!

But then he said something I totally was not expecting. He said it reminded him of me!

Roald: Kinda reminds me of you, b-b-buddy!

Is he trying to get on my bad side? Because it’s working…

When I visited Big Top, I saw that his house was completely empty. He was trying to move out of town! But of course, I made him reconsider.

Big Top: Wow. I wasn't expecting that response... Maybe I'll think it over once more.

Bright Nights 2019

I played on Saturday, and Gaston told me it was colder than an icicle’s armpit outside. That’s an interesting comparison. I certainly haven’t heard that one before.

Gaston: It's colder than an icicle's armpit out here, mon chou!

Near the river, I spotted some purple tulips! That’s another hybrid I can use to attract a peacock butterfly next month.

Purple tulips (hybrid flowers) in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

When I played tonight, I learned that the Bright Nights festival was underway! Cool! That means festive lights will decorate some trees around town, and also the villagers’ houses.

Festive lights on Kiki's house for Bright Nights in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Tortimer was outside of town hall for the occasion, and he asked me whose house looked the best. I told him Kiki, and he said he’d give her a congratulatory slap on the back.

Tortimer: After all, I am the mayor! And a slap from me is better than a cookie!

The only downside of the event is that Crazy Redd wasn’t in town this week. Well, I guess there was one other downside. Jeremiah got an attitude after he heard that I liked Kiki’s house the best.

Jeremiah: Well, I guess there's no accounting for taste. Especially bad taste!
Salty frog.

One other thing I noticed tonight, was the new moon in the sky. I’m not sure why it caught my eye, but it did. 😛

A new moon in the sky in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Rosie suggested a new nickname for me, “Sugar J.” I was actually going to accept it, but I clicked the wrong option. For some reason, the decline option is first and the accept option is second when they offer new nicknames in Wild World. I almost always click the wrong thing, out of habit. But since I declined, I had to choose something. So I made Rosie declare me to be the mayor. 😛

Rosie: OK then! Done! Hooray! From now on, you're always gonna be mayor!

If you’re looking to check out Bright Nights, you have the rest of this week to do it. And speaking of Bright Nights, they make a brief appearance in my latest video: 13 Things I’d Like to See in Animal Crossing Switch. Give it a watch if you’d like, and have a great day! 🙂