Baabara has previously told me about her anniversaries with fried catfish and shark fin soup. But today, she said it was her anniversary with fish fricassee. It’s clear that she’s lying about all these anniversaries; they’re just fish stories.
Crazy Redd was in town, and he had a famous painting (Mona Lisa) for sale. I bought it, but Blathers told me that it was a counterfeit once again. I should call it a Phony Lisa.
The latest Message of the Week on the bulletin board is actually pretty dark. It says give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. But if you give a fish a man, he’ll eat for weeks!
Maybe I should’ve used myself as bait.
Kiki was still sick, so I bought some medicine for her once again.
After fishing for a little while, I went to town hall and made a 30,000 bell mortgage payment. I now owe exactly 200,000 more bells. I figure I should be fully debt-free within a month or so. See you next time!
The winter’s last snowman, who I built on Saturday, sent me a snowman lamp in the mail. I put it in my main room with the rest of my snowman set. I used it to replace the candle I had in the corner; now I can just use the lamp instead. I guess I’ll have to wait a while before I can complete the set, though. 😛
I’m hiding.
Curly wanted to move out of town, but I bugged him until he agreed to reconsider.
Crazy Redd was in town, as he is on most Tuesdays, and he had a worthy painting for sale. But I already had that one. It seems like Redd isn’t being very helpful to me lately.
When I visited Rosie, I was a bit surprised to see Big Top was also there. It’s Rosie’s birthday! I didn’t plan ahead, so at first, I was afraid that I didn’t have any furniture to give her. But then I saw I had the candle in my pockets. It sounds like a cheap gift (and it is), but I figured she could put it on her birthday cake…if she had one. 😛
I thought that was a bad reaction at first. But it turned out that she really seemed to like it! She gave me a regal dresser in return, and she said we’re gonna be BFFs.
The latest Message of the Week said that “maybe” is a good answer…but not on a test. Very true.
Baabara asked me for some new clothes, so I gave her a scale armor suit that I had in my pockets from somewhere. Not only did Baabara refuse, but she said that her scale armor suit would look better on me! If you refuse it, then it’s not yours! How rude!
When I visited Rhonda, she also asked me for some clothes. I gave her the scale armor suit, and she was very grateful. She loved it, and she gave me 500 bells in return.
While walking around outside, I saw a very large fish shadow in the river. I fished it out, and it was a stringfish! Wow! My first one took me forever, but this one came quick with no effort at all! Yay!
Just one minute later, Bud approached me. He wanted the stringfish. Normally that’s a bad thing…but not this time. He offered me over 23,000 bells for it! That’s over 8,000 bells more than Tom Nook pays for it! Good deal!
Kiki was sick with a cold, so I took her some medicine. Fortunately, the shop was open this time. 😛 She started to feel better right away. Unless she was lying to me. Nah, Kiki wouldn’t lie to me.
Before wrapping up my game for the night, I went to town hall. I made a hefty mortgage payment of 55,000 bells. Just 230,000 more bells to go! See you all next time.
When I started up the game tonight, I quickly gathered all the fruit I could. I only had a few minutes before Nook’s shop closed, so that was my first priority.
After that, I started my usual routine of talking to villagers, checking for the money rock, etc. When I visited Kiki, she asked me for medicine. But I didn’t have any medicine on me, and the store was closed by this point. Sorry, Kiki.
Outside, I saw Baabara from across the river…and waved to her (by tapping her on-screen). I don’t think I’ve used the waving feature in Wild World before, although I have used it in City Folk. (In City Folk, you do it by pointing the Wii remote at a villager and pressing the A button).
When I went to see Hopper, he was angry that I visited him without bringing him anything good to eat! What a grouch.
Since the snow will be all gone tomorrow, I decided to make one last snowman.
Guess what, jerk. You’ll be dead in six hours.
Then I went down to the Roost, and K.K. performed Marine Song 2001 for me. I’ll always remember this song as the song that got stuck in my game in the ACCF music glitch.
I shut off the game after that, but I later realized I forgot to make a mortgage payment. So I started the game back up, after midnight. To my surprise, the snow was gone from the ground…but not from the trees! I thought it all disappeared at 6 a.m., not at midnight.
So I went back to where the snowman was, and he was gone. So he actually lived less than one hour! That’s what he gets for rushing me. 😀
I made a 45,000 bell mortgage payment, and then ended my game for the night. Enjoy the newfound grass, everybody! 🙂