
I found Curly trying to move out of town tonight! After telling him to stay four times, he indicated he would reconsider.

Curly: My brain's all bamboozled... Maybe I should rethink the whole thing, nyoink!Kiki was still sick, so I gave her medicine again. The colds last too long in this game; it’s annoying.

Crazy Redd was in town, and I told him the password “ask for change” to gain entry into his tent. But as I was typing it, Baabara and Big Top both pinged me and walked towards me like they wanted something!

Baabara and Big Top both come up to me.But I was already into the dialogue that appears before I enter Redd’s tent. Inside, Redd had a calm painting for sale. I already had one of those in the museum, so I had no interest in buying another one.

As I exited the tent, Baabara and Big Top were both walking away from the tent. But I ran in front of both of them, and they both pinged me again!

Baabara and Big Top ping me again.Baabara just wanted a new catchphrase. I told her to say “shear me” instead of “your mom.” Big Top had lost interest in me by the time I was done with Baabara, and he did not ping me a third time.

The new “Message of the Week” was about blood, sweat, and tears.

*Message of the Week* Shedding blood, sweat, and tears is not as easy as it looks. And it looks hard!!When I spoke with Puddles, she told me her legs felt like lead. So she asked me to give her a piggyback ride home! That gave me a chuckle.

Puddles: Hey, c'mon, darling! Gimme a piggyback ride back to my house!However, she then backed out, saying she didn’t think I was burly enough! How rude! I’m fully capable of giving a frog a good ride!

Puddles: ...Although, actually... You don't look burly enough, so never mind, splish!Rhonda asked if I liked my house, and I said it was alright. She then accused me of caving in on everything. That’s pretty rude, too. She said she doesn’t want me to have to compromise on comfort…on her horn.

Rhonda: Because I don't want you to have to compromise on comfort, on my horn!I made a 15,000 bell mortgage payment at town hall, and then wrapped up my night in Forest.

December Flea Market

Kiki was still sick when I visited her tonight, so I gave her some medicine once again.

Kiki takes her medicine.The flea market was being held today, and as usual, I wasn’t interested. Big Top called his shop Mega Mart, but he should have called it Fish Mart. Five of the six items in his house were fish!

Big Top: Come again! Big Top's Mega Mart will be waiting!After Blathers identified two fossils for me at the museum, I went downstairs to the Roost. I asked K.K. for a random song, and he performed K.K. Samba for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Samba!At town hall, I made a 15,000 bell mortgage payment and then headed for home. But before I could put my new song in my stereo, Puddles barged in. She said my stuff was quite unique, and then she called me obsessive!

Puddles: You're a little obsessive, aren't you? Eh, rib-ribbit?She then said my one-story model would look cute in her house. Uh, no. That’s a special reward that’s irreplaceable (I think). Since I refused to sell it, she called me cheap!

Puddles: What?! J-rock, how can you be so cheap?
Excuse me? This is my house. You can get out.

I normally like Puddles, but she’s being a rude little…frogger tonight.

Rhonda’s Indecision

Crazy Redd was in town today, he was selling this awesome painting for 3,920 bells.

Redd: You like it? You like that awesome painting? Hee hee hee!I bought it, but Blathers informed me that it was a counterfeit. That’s not very awesome.

Kiki was still sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine once again.

Kiki: I can't believe how much better I feel already! Thanks, captain!There was a new Message of the Week posted on the bulletin board, and it was apparently written for people who confuse the words stamp and stomp.

*Message of the Week* Stamp your mail! Stomp your feet!

I visited Puddles, and she was freaking out because she just saw a cockroach. She’s a frog though, she should love insects! Just gulp it down next time, Puddles!

Puddles: GREAT GALLOPING PEANUTS! J-rock, I just saw a... COCKROACH!!!When I went into Rhonda’s house, I saw that she had her belongings all packed up in boxes. I asked her to stay, but she told me she wasn’t going to change her mind.

Rhonda: I'm leaving, and there's no changing my mind.But the next time I talked to her, she did indeed change her mind. 😛

Rhonda: Maybe I should stay after all...on my horn.After making a 15,000 bell mortgage payment at town hall, I went around shaking trees. Many trees just had money bags (100 bells), but I found one piece of furniture–a pineapple bed.

A pineapple bed that fell out of a tree.
Who lives in a pineapple under the tree?
SpruceBob PinePants!