First Flea Market

When I started the game up, I was informed that the flea market was going on today. I went into Kiki’s house, but she didn’t have anything I wanted. Still, I wanted to see what her prices were like, so I asked about her gyroid (a mega bovoid). She wanted 1,530 bells for it. Uh, no thanks. I declined her offer, and she said she was disappointed in me.

Kiki: I don't know what to say. I'm just so disappointed, but whatever, kitty cat.I quickly left her house. Outside, I found my first four-leaf clover!

WAHOO! I got the four-leaf clover!
My newfound luck cured my eye! Actually, I just took the eye patch off after taking this picture.

Static was still sick today. Things like illnesses and requests seem to last forever in Wild World! Nook’s was closed for the night already, and I didn’t feel like buying him medicine anyway. The dude needs to get over his sniffles by now.

Biskit was talking about a letter he got from the Happy Room Academy (HRA), saying they called his house a mess. He said it was just because his style hasn’t caught on yet. He then proceeded to laugh like a maniac. What a crazy dog. I like him.

Biskit: I know I'm being judged, but I can't help but laugh! Like a maniac! A huh huh huh!

Since it’s Saturday night, I went down to the Roost to catch some live music. I asked for a random song, and K.K. performed K.K. Faire for me–one of my favorites!

K.K.: I hooked you up with a boot of K.K. Faire. You know, a bootleg?After finding my money rock, I went to town hall to pay off the last 25,000 bells I owed on my mortgage.

Phyllis: Hrm, that brings your balance to zero. (Psht...)I couldn’t return to Tom Nook since his shop was closed, so he may not expand my house until I talk to him again.

When I went back home, Baabara baarged into my house. She wanted to do some shopping for the flea market, so she asked how much I wanted for my Mrs. Flamingo. At first, I said 1,500 bells. But she said that was too high. She also refused to pay 999 bells. I tried one last time, saying I’d sell it for 800 bells, and she accepted.

Baabara, in my house for the flea market: Well then, you have a deal! The Mrs. Flamingo for a million bells.

Baabara: Just kidding. You only get 800. Tee hee hee hee!
I hate you.

She also asked about my flying saucer, and I asked for 9,999,999 bells. She declined that offer, so I ignored her and went up to bed for the night. Good night, and I’ll see you next time!

Biskit & Katrina

Today is Halloween, but sadly, Wild World does not celebrate the holiday. So there’s no Jack and no spooky furniture in ACWW. But I did get a surprise in town today: A dog with no eyes!

Biskit: The sun at dusk is so fiery and neat tooking... It's amazing, dawg.Okay, so maybe he has eyes, just no pupils. But despite his creepy peepers, he’s a pretty cool dog and I’m glad to have him in Forest.

Outside of town hall, I spotted a fortune-teller’s tent. That’s right, Katrina was in town for the first time!

Katrina: That is why I was put here, in this land of crossing paths... It is my calling.I asked her to tell my fortune, and she used her cards to predict the future. She told me of a wise snowman that sipped a cup of chowder, knowing that a snowstorm was on the way. As for how that affects me, she said it may mean nothing…or everything. Apparently this is a neutral fortune that doesn’t really change anything.

Katrina: The cards have spoken. It is the WIND symbol, in its natural state.
Nah, I’m pretty sure you just farted.

In Able Sisters, Sable continues to open up to me. She told me a story of how she once tried to make gloves for Mabel, but she didn’t do a good job and she made them much too large. Mabel ended up using them as earmuffs.

Sabel: You didn't wear them on your claws, but on your ears! Remember?

I picked up some more medicine for Static, since he’s still sick today. I’m getting a bit tired of buying all these meds for him, though.

Static flips for medicine.
Take a good sip, ’cause it’s the last time.

Baabara asked me to make a delivery to Yuka tonight. I didn’t want to help either of them out, so I refused Baabara’s request.

Baabara: Say, aren't you friends with Yuka?

I didn’t quite earn enough today to pay off my mortgage, but I’m getting close.

Happy Halloween, everyone! See you all next time!

Disrespectful Ducks

Last night, I headed down to the Roost just before midnight to catch some live music. I asked for a random song, and K.K. Slider performed K.K. Swing for me.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Swing!After the show, I had a chat with Pate outside. She told me that all the cool kids were in bed already, and she said I need my beauty sleep! As if she can talk, that ugly duckling.

Pate: All the cool kids are asleep by now, huh, quackle? You need your beauty sleep!I also visited Chevre, and she told me she would feed me, except she’s out of milk and fried dough. That sounds healthy… 😛

Chevre: I'd feed you, but I'm out of milk and fried dough. Sorry!Today, I decided to buy this refrigerator. Not to store milk and fried dough, but just because I didn’t have any furniture to use for storage! Once I took it home, I put my acorn and work uniform inside of it.

Tom Nook: Why, yes, that would be a refrigerator. It sells for 1,200 bells.Static was still sick with a cold, so I bought some more medicine for him.

Static flips as he takes some medicine I bought him.For some reason, I made the mistake of talking to Pate again. This time she called me boring. Interestingly, she then wanted to visit my house! If I’m so boring, why would you want to visit me? I said no.

Pate: I'm bored! Talking to you is boring. STOP BORING ME!Yuka told me that’s still looking for chic furniture! It’s been more than two weeks, and she’s still expecting me to help her. 😀 I can’t help but laugh every time she mentions it.

Baabara asked me to make a delivery to Pate, and I refused. Baabara wasn’t pleased.

Baabara: Oh, I guess you're having one of your shy episodes. Oh, well, whatevs.A few of the fossils I’ve dug up recently have been duplicates, so I’ve been able to sell them instead of donating them to the museum. I used the money to make another mortgage payment of 30,000 bells. I only owe 25,000 bells now.

When I ran into Bill, he gave me a new nickname: Beefcake. Uh, I don’t think so. But I didn’t have a chance to decline the nickname after he said what it was.

Bill: OK, then from this moment on, you're beefcake!
No. No. No, no, no.

While fishing, I caught my first rainbow trout. I then donated it to the museum.

Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you next time. Maybe I can pay off my mortgage soon and expand my house again.