Feeling Exasperated

On Tuesday (November 1st), I bought a jackhammer at Nook’s Cranny, with the intention of giving it to Butch for his birthday. But when I headed over to his house, there was no party. Instead, he was trying to move out of town!

Butch: Hey, sunshine. I wasn't gonna tell anyone, but... I'm leaving Forest.

Of course I talked him out of moving, but he still didn’t have a birthday party. I even tried leaving his house and re-entering. Oof.

Bones asked me for a fossil, so I gave him some fossilized dino droppings that I dug up.

Bones: Woo-hoo! That's the dino droppings I wanted! Nutty.
They taste nutty? You weren’t supposed to lick them!

He was happy to have them, and he rewarded me with a slate flooring.

On Wednesday, I had a chat with Mitzi outside of town hall. She was talking about how nice the office is, and she credited it to Phyllis and Pelly’s hard work. She said Pete was just a slacker.

Mitzi: Pete is... Well, he's kind of a slacker, mew.

Yesterday, Wendell was in town, and I gave him an apple to eat. Somehow, that apple completely filled him up. I find that hard to believe, but okay. 😛

Wendell: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! So full of happiness! Suh-so round in the belly!

He gave me a block pattern in return, which is really just a brick path pattern.

The block pattern in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Eloise has still been sick with a cold, so I gave her more medicine Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then again today. This is dragging on way too long. She needs to get over her cold already.

Dr. Shrunk was in town today, and I asked him for a new emotion (exasperation) to let out a much-needed sigh.

Shrunk: And if that sigh smells like morning breath, it's even more distressing.

However, I was having trouble getting the timing of the tapping right; Wild World has the worst, most tedious reaction-learning technique in the series.

Shrunk: Perhaps this feeling is too painful for you right now. Why don't we try another?
Then stop making it painful and give me the stupid emotion.

But I eventually figured out the timing and learned exasperation. Since my collection was already full with four emotions, I had to lose one. I sacrificed “thought” to learn “exasperation.” I hope it was worth it.

Shrunk: Anyhow, you've now forgotten how to express thought...
Shrunk: ...and learned how to express exasperation! We've made some real progress!

*sigh* See you next time.

Sad Wolf

After making my rounds on Wednesday night, I stood by the gate and left the game on in case I heard a shooting star. But I was shocked when I heard something else instead: a UFO! I always thought the UFO would come in the first ten minutes of your session, if it was coming at all. But that was not the case this night.

I equipped my slingshot as quickly as I could, but I was out of position when I fired off my one and only shot, and the UFO escaped Forest unharmed.

Yesterday, Eloise and Wolfgang had an argument that left Wolfgang feeling depressed. He said sadness is the only thing he has plenty of.

Wolfgang: Sadness... It's the only thing I've got plenty of...

Eloise, on the other hand, was unaffected by the squabble. She even said she was happy to see me, because now she had someone to play with. 😛

Eloise: I'm happy you're still up, thought, 'cause that means I have someone to play with!

But by tonight, Eloise wasn’t feeling well at all. She was sick with a cold, and I gave her some medicine. She started to feel better almost instantly.

Eloise: Hm... I'm feeling a little better, tooooot.

Goose challenged me to see who could catch a horse mackerel first, and for once, I agreed to the competition. However, it surprisingly took me seven and a half minutes to track one down! Fortunately, that was still quicker than Goose.

Goose: HOLD UP!

He rewarded me with a lime chair, which is a cool item. It’s too bad it didn’t make it to New Horizons.

I realized that I’ve been wearing my nebula shirt for a very long time (since January!), so I headed over to Able Sisters to shop for new clothes. I wasn’t overly impressed with today’s selection, but I ultimately decided to buy a No. 2 shirt.

Mabel: Wow! You are looking really, really good!

See you all next week!

Stargazing Cat

On Wednesday, I was surprised to find a goodbye letter from Deena in the mail. Even though she was never one of my favorites, she had grown on me a bit during her stay. And I’m sad to see her go.

Dear Jeff, I'm moving out! Gonna see the world! Everyone in Forest was fun, but you were always the best! Good-bye! -Deena

Yesterday, Peanut warned me I was about to receive the Spike of Sandy Doom!

Peanut: Sunshine! Heads up! Prepare to received the Spike of Sandy Doom!

As confusing as that sounds, she was talking about a volleyball move. Of course, we weren’t actually playing volleyball, and neither of us had a ball, so I still think she’s crazy for saying that. 😉

Bob told me that he’d like for Forest to be so crowded that it’s like a fair all the time. I don’t think it’s just crowds that make a fair a fair, but okay. 😛

Bob: Ideally, I'd like Forest to be so crowded that it's like a fair all the time!

Last night, I wished on a shooting star. Today, Wishy sent me a moon in the mail. I can only imagine the shipping costs on that!

Gracie was in town today, so I took her fashion quiz. As usual, I answered her questions the way I imagined she would respond. And it worked out well; I earned another fashionista badge. I paid her 5,000 bells for a new outfit, and look what she did to me!

Gracie: Snip snip snip..

She put me in a Dutch shirt (which looks like a skirt) and a paperboy cap. Yikes. I quickly changed back into my nebula shirt and sporty shades (even though it’s nighttime).

Deena’s replacement moved in today, and it’s Mitzi the cat! I like Mitzi! 🙂

Mitzi: One night, you and I should go stargazing and see if we can spot Libra!
Sounds like a great idea!

My town now has two cats and two dogs. (The other animals are a chicken, a squirrel, a wolf, and an elephant.)

Goose has been sick lately, so I gave him some medicine Wednesday, yesterday, and then again today. Hopefully he’ll be over his cold by the next time I play.

Goose: I feel like four pounds of trash in a two-pound bag...