Bucket To Go

On Monday, Big Top told me that he went to another town, and he took a bucket with him. He said it was his first time in a taxi.

Big Top: I went to a nearby town, with my bucket at my side.
I’d hate to be that taxi driver if you… uh… filled up the bucket en route.

Today… Peanut had an odd request for me: She wanted a sea bass!

Peanut: OMIGOSH! I gotta have one!! I TOTALLY need a sea bass...

Well, to be more specific, she wanted to have a competition to see who could catch a sea bass first. I was up to the challenge, and I returned with a sea bass just four minutes later. She initially seemed disappointed that I won, but she ultimately rewarded me with a library wall as my prize.

Gracie was in town, so I took her quiz and earned myself another Fashionista badge. I paid her 5,000 bells for some new clothing, and she gave me a funky dot shirt.

Gracie: Ready...and GO!

I didn’t care much for the shirt. So when Samson asked me for some new clothes to soak up some sweat, I gave the shirt to him. He actually loved it, and he rewarded me with some tiny shades…that didn’t look very tiny. 😛

Samson: Some tiny shades! Bam! Aren't you stoked, villain?!

Goldie has been sick since last Friday. I gave her medicine on Friday, Monday, and then again today.

I’ll see you all next time! I’m not sure when that will be, though; Pascal is taking his good old time in showing up.

Mosquito Problems

On Monday evening, I saw a shark in the ocean. But there was a mosquito buzzing around, so I stood there, waiting for it to bite me. But there was one problem with that strategy: it didn’t bite me! I waited a good 25 seconds, and it would circle around me, but didn’t bite. 🦟

So instead, I tried to lure it away from the area. Once it was out of the area, I quickly walked back to the shark and cast my rod. The shark took notice and started to nibble. But meanwhile, the mosquito was racing back towards me. Once it got close, it bit me immediately, scaring the shark away. Why was it suddenly so impatient once I was about to catch a shark? It’s maddening.

I got bit by a mosquito! So...very...ITCHY!

I gave Peanut some more medicine last Friday and then again on Monday. By Wednesday, she was over her cold. She gave me some checkered tile for helping her out.

Peanut: It's all because of your medicine, sunshine! You are so crazy nice!

Olivia asked me for a new greeting, so I told her to say “in my litterbox.”

Olivia: In my litterbox, huh... OK, thanks... I'll be sure to try it out, woof.

Today, I shot down another UFO. Gulliver looks as if he crashed into an apple tree head-first! That’s got to hurt!

Gulliver: Mnnuh? What's that? You fool!

I gathered up his five UFO parts and returned them to him. In return, he gave me a matryoshka. I put it in my room on the left, which is still mostly filled with hybrid flowers.

Sitting on my Nintendo bench next to my new matryoshka from Gulliver.

Bunnie was packed up and ready to move out, but I convinced her to stay.

I caught a shark today, so that made me feel a bit better about the one that got away on Monday.

I caught a shark! It was a shark attack!

It has been weeks since I got my scallop from Tortimer, and there still has been no sign of Pascal. If he shows up tomorrow, I’ll be sure to post another entry. Otherwise, I’ll be back next week.

Golden Slingshot

Saharah was in town on Wednesday. I helped her out by delivering some wallpaper to Pelly and some carpeting to Blathers. When I was done, Saharah offered me a lunar horizon or a daisy meadow.

Saharah: Do you want a lunar horizon or a daisy meadow?

That was an easy decision, because I’ve been hoping for the lunar horizon for my space room. And now I have it.

My space room as of July 28, 2021.

I kept the game open for an hour or so to check for balloon presents every ten minutes. I shot down a red balloon (fire hydrant), a yellow balloon (blue box), and a purple balloon (a screen). So I’ve now shot down at least 21 balloons, and still no gold slingshot.

A few other quick notes about Wednesday:

  • Peanut was still sick, so I gave her some more medicine.
  • Rowan was packed up to move out, but I convinced him to stay.
  • I found a retro stereo in the recycle bin.

Today, it finally appeared. The balloon I’ve been waiting for!

The balloon carrying my golden slingshot!
The 22nd time’s the charm!

It was my golden slingshot, at last!

I got the golden slingshot! I'm right on target!

I tested it out, and at first, I thought it was only shooting one pellet at a time. And it does appear that way…on the lower screen. But once the shot gets to the upper screen, that’s when it separates into three pellets. I’m glad to finally have this. Just one more golden tool to go!

Peanut was still sick today, so I gave her medicine once again. Not much else was going on, but that was fine with me. I feel like my mission was accomplished for today.

If I get lucky and Pascal shows up to give me the golden axe tomorrow, I’ll be back with another entry then. Otherwise, I’ll be back next week. In the meantime, I hope you’ll check out my latest Wild World video, covering highlights from April 24th through June 19th.