Tissues, Scallop, Bug-Off

I was surprised to find a letter from town hall in the mail today. They congratulated me for saving a million bells! Even though I have saved up a million bells before, I never left it in my account overnight. Previously, I immediately donated the million bells to Boondox.

Dear Jeff, In honor of the 1,000,000 bells you've saved, please accept this small token of our appreciation! -Forest post office

A box of tissues was enclosed, and I placed it on my mush table near my bug trophy and compass.

A box of tissues placed on a table in a mushroom-themed room in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

The Bug-Off was underway, but I had some business with Tortimer to attend to first. The mayor was surprisingly happy to see me!

Tortimer: ...Goodness! Why, what in the world do we have here?! Well, HEL-lo there, darling...

But fortunately, he wasn’t talking directly to me. He was talking to my massage chair.

Tortimer: Oh, not you, Jeff! I'm talking to your massage chair!

He not-so-subtly hinted that he wanted it, and of course I handed it over. In return, he gave me a scallop that he found.

Tortimer: Yes, it's a scallop... I found this by the shore earlier. I don't know who dropped it.

And that’s what I’ve been waiting for! Now there’s just one more step to getting the golden axe: Giving the scallop to Pascal!

With that taken care of, I got my net out and started hunting bugs for the Bug-Off. Tortimer said that Goldie was currently in the lead with a 68-mm robust cicada. I caught a jewel beetle, and gave it to Tortimer. But it was only 37 mm. Rarity doesn’t matter in Wild World Bug-Offs, it’s all about size. And I just wasted a 2,400-bell bug.

A few minutes later, I caught a robust cicada that was 70 mm big. I took over the top spot, and Tortimer rewarded me with a modern sofa. But my lead was narrow, and there were still hours to go, so I tried to improve my score.

As I was hunting, Bunnie pinged me. She wanted me to buy something, and I declined. So of course, she called me a meanie and said I hate the earth. 🙄

Bunnie: What? You big meanie! You won't help me recycle? You HATE the earth! MEANIE!

Eventually, I caught an emperor butterfly. It measured 106 mm, and Tortimer gave me a cabin wardrobe. With that score, I felt much better about my chances, and I turned the game off for a while.

Shortly before 6:00, I started up the game again. Tortimer said my score remained unchallenged. As the 6:00 hourly tune chimed, Tortimer told me the Bug-Off was over. He said the results would be posted to the bulletin board…although it may be hard for me to see through my tears (implying I lost?).

Tortimer: Though it might be hard to see through your tears! Heh heh HOORF HOORF HOORF!

After that, a screen popped up informing me that the Bug-Off was over, and then Tortimer was gone. So that little bit of dialogue must be relatively rare, since you can only see it for about 10 seconds or so until the hourly chimes are done ringing.

Anyway, the bulletin board was not updated yet. So I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow for official confirmation, but there’s no way anyone could have beaten me.

Two other quick notes about today: I shot down another balloon present, and I found a Mr. Flamingo inside. I also bought some more medicine for Rolf.

See you all next time!

Million for the Bank

Nookington’s had a deluxe washer for sale as a spotlight product yesterday. I bought it for my catalog.

Tommy: You have a keen eye! That's our spotlight product...the deluxe washer!

Goldie asked me for a fossil, so I gave her a pachy skull that I dug up. She loved it, and she gave me 510 bells as a reward. I know I could’ve earned much more by selling it, but Goldie is worth it. 🙂

Speaking of Goldie, the cold she had recently has moved on to Rolf. So I gave the white tiger some medicine yesterday, and then again today.

Rolf: Oh! I'm feelin' pretty dang good all of a sudden! Thanks, sunshine!

Today, Samson was all packed up and ready to move out of town! He’s only been in town about two weeks! That’s too soon to let just about anyone go, so I got him to reconsider.

Samson: My brain's all bamboozled... Maybe I should rethink the whole thing, pipsqueak!

I shot down a whopping four balloon presents today. They contained a tiki torch, an alarm clock, a regal vanity, and a garbage pail. I think I must be getting close to earning the golden slingshot by now. Even though I haven’t mentioned it, that’s been one of my goals (along with the golden axe trading sequence) that has contributed to my frequent play sessions lately.

A purple balloon present.

I caught a banded dragonfly and a red snapper today, and I also gathered up some fruit. That allowed me to reach one million bells in my savings account. While this isn’t the first time I’ve had a million bells, it is the first time after completing Boondox…so this million is in my account to stay.

Pelly: The current bell balance is 1,000,000.

Katrina was today’s visitor, and I didn’t even bother. But I’ll probably be back on Sunday with another entry for the Bug-Off. Hope to see you then!

Rowan Into Town

I spoke with Goldie near town hall today, and she asked how I would describe her relationship with Rowan. I didn’t even know Rowan was my new villager, so she spoiled the surprise…just like Rolf spoiled Samson’s arrival recently. 😛

Goldie: How would you describe my relationship with Rowan?

A slider appeared with the options “best friends” and “mortal foes.” Since Rowan just moved in, I figured she probably didn’t know him well enough for either of those to be accurate, so I left the slider in the middle. That answer was correct, and Goldie gave me a mochi pestle as my prize.

I then went to meet Rowan for myself. The new tiger in town called me skinny and said I should drink some protein-enriched peach nectar.

Rowan: You oughta drink protein-enriched peach nectar now and then, skinny!

I’ve had Rowan in City Folk before, and I liked him. But that’s not a guarantee that I’ll like him in Wild World. We’ll see!

Peanut is looking forward to the Bug-Off coming up on Sunday. In fact, she said she even got a bite-proof dress to prevent the bugs from taking revenge on her. 😀

Peanut: I got this cute bite-proof dress to keep the bugs from taking revenge on me.

There were no special visitors in town today. But I’ll keep checking for them, and I’ll be back with another entry soon.