4th UFO

On Friday, at the first x:x7 time, Gulliver’s UFO flew overhead. I was ready and waiting for it, so I shot it down without any trouble. This was my 4th UFO shot down in Wild World.

The UFO begins its descent after being shot down.

I ran to the crash site and woke up the sole survivor. He counted the planets to figure out where he landed: the third rock from the sun. 😛

Gulliver: Let's see. One sun: check. Planets: one...two...three... Third planet: check.

He asked me to find the missing parts of his spaceship, and of course I helped him out. When I gathered them up and returned them, Gulliver rewarded me by giving me a compass. Not exactly the most exciting reward, but I guess it’ll keep me from getting lost?

The compass item from Gulliver in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Before wrapping up my day Friday, I gave Goldie some more medicine, and I found a water bird in the recycle bin.

Today, the Happy Room Academy sent me my latest house score: 169,955 points. I’m starting to think that a score of 200k is doable, especially if I complete my space room and get a few more villager photos. I’ll probably have to get rid of more flowers from my left room, but I think I’ll go for it (eventually). I don’t believe I’ve ever earned 200k HRA/HHA points in any game.

A message posted to the bulletin board informed me that the Bug-Off is coming up on Sunday. That’s good news, because I’ll be able to give Tortimer the massage chair and get the scallop I need for Pascal! So I could potentially get my golden axe by next week. 🙂

- Notice - This Sunday is the long-awaited Bug-Off! Get buggy with it!

I was prepared to give more medicine to Goldie today, but she is now over her cold! I think she got over it quicker than Margie did. Goldie rewarded me with a mixer.

Goldie: I'll never forget your kindness! It's nice to know you're there for me.
Glad I could help! Just don’t move out like Margie did.

Peanut asked me to make a delivery for her, so I took an orange tie-dye over to Rolf for her. Rolf seemed to like the shirt, even though he called Peanut an unstylish animal. 😛

Rolf: Hey, that's not so bad! It's better than I expected from that unstylish animal!

Peanut rewarded me with 510 bells.

Margie’s replacement still has not moved in. I’ll be back with another entry later in the week (but not tomorrow). Hope to see you then!

Massage Chair from Saharah

I spotted Saharah as soon as I came out of my house today. So I grabbed my turban, and headed over to speak with her. She noticed the turban immediately, and she asked if she could have it. Of course!

Saharah: Friend, I am ashamed, but I must have a favor... Please give me that turban, yes?!

Saharah was really happy about the turban, saying that she has nothing to fear now. She said “Not even the desert sun can touch me!” In return, she gave me a massage…chair.

Saharah: I was ordering goods, and got a massage chair by accident!

That was good news, because that’s the item I needed to continue on and get the golden axe. The next step, according to Thonky’s golden axe guide, is to give the massage chair to Tortimer. He should be outdoors for the Bug-Off later this month, so I can give it to him then. In the meantime, I tested it out!

Trying out the massage chair in Animal Crossing: Wild World.
It massaged my mush-cles.

Anyway, I spoke with Saharah again and I was able to make deliveries for her. I took a rug to Tom Nook, a carpet to Mabel, and then a carpet to Blathers.

Blathers: I've been atwitter with anticipation, and finally, it's here! Woo hoo, I say!

For my reward, Saharah let me choose either an ancient wall or a music room floor. I chose the former.

I saw a balloon present, so I shot it down; there was a Corinthian post inside. Hmm, I wonder how that balloon was strong enough to carry a Corinthian post, and yet weak enough to be popped by a pebble from a slingshot. 😛

There was a new “Talking to Myself” message on the bulletin board. The author said she just ate some candy that has as much Vitamin C as 300 lemons! That must be some really sour candy!

-Talking to Myself- I just ate some candy with the same amount of vitamin C as 300 lemons... I'm covered for life!
I don’t think it works that way, but I guess we’ll C.

Goldie was still sick, so I gave her some more medicine. I’m starting to feel like this is just a medicine-dispensing game. 😂

When I spoke with Peanut, she said she was on a really tight budget this month…that’s why she was hunting for bugs to sell. But she apparently hates looking for bugs, and considers it to be a gross job. 😛

Peanut: Still, what a gross job! How long do I have to live like this, slacker?!

Even though I plan on playing tomorrow, there probably won’t be a new entry unless something major happens (like Margie’s replacement moving in). But I’ll be back with more next week! Enjoy your weekend, and Never Stop Crossing!

Margie Moved

I was very surprised and disappointed when I checked the mail today. Margie sent me a goodbye letter! She moved out without notice! 🙁

Dear Jeff, I'm moving out! Gonna see the world! Everyone in Forest was fun, but you were always the best! Good-bye! -Margie

Margie has been one of my favorites since she moved in over three years ago. Our last conversation was on Monday. She asked if I still had the photo she gave me, and I said “of course!” Her last words to me were “It’s like I gave you a little piece of my heart, and you kept it safe and warm!” 😢

It’s odd that I get more random move-outs when I’m playing more frequently. When you only play once a week (especially if it’s on the same day), you may find someone in boxes. But you can always talk to them and change their mind. I went a very long time without losing someone randomly. But when you’re playing more frequently, even skipping one day can cost you a favorite villager.

Anyway, I ran into Samson and he accused me of gaining weight, blowing off his training regimen, and lying about it.

Samson: LIAR! You LIE, Jeff! And lying is almost as bad as getting chubbed out!

So I pitfall’d the rude rat.

Samson falls into a pitfall.

Olivia told me that she could totally relax if she had a room full of white furniture. But she already has a room full of white furniture!

Olivia's room of white furniture.

Goldie was still sick, so I gave her some more medicine.

I shot down a balloon present and got a retro TV from it. But overall, it was a disappointing day in Forest. Margie left, no Saharah, no UFO, no spotlight product, and it seemed like everyone was in a bad mood.

Bunnie: I'm bored! Talking to you is boring. STOP BORING ME!

Maybe tomorrow will be better. I hope so.