Samson’s Birthday

Samson just moved into town yesterday, and today, he’s celebrating a birthday! I stopped over at Nookington’s to look for a birthday gift, and I found just the thing! 😉

Tommy: Ah, yes, yes. That's the barber's pole. Very nice. ...very nice.

I then headed over to Samson’s house to enjoy the party. Hopefully Samson can find the strength to install his new barber’s pole. ✂️✂️

Samson: A barber's pole! For me?!

He gave me a lady palm in return. Peanut the squirrel–not Samson’s supposed girlfriend Olivia–was the other villager at the party.

Peanut: Well, let's get this Samson party started, slacker!

Have Samson and Olivia already broken up? Well, their relationship was a game of cat and mouse, after all. 😛 Or more likely, Rolf was wrong about them being together in the first place. You have to take everything he says with a grain of salt.

And speaking of Rolf, he was bad-mouthing the pelican sisters over by town hall tonight. He said that Phyllis is a pain in the neck, and Pelly might be even worse…even though Pelly looks nicer.

Rolf: Her sister, Pelly, looks nice but she might be even worse! Who knows?!

And then he said they were both nuts. 😮

Rolf: They say the nut doesn't fall far from the tree. And those two are BOTH nuts!

Once I went inside, Pelly had some more dialogue for me. Now that she knows Pete doesn’t drink coffee, she said she doesn’t enjoy going to the Roost much any more. But Brewster did try to cheer her up…by telling her that a good cup of coffee can change a man’s heart. Pelly thought it just sounded like a commercial for the Roost. 😛

Pelly: Part of me felt like I'd just watched a commercial. It was all very perplexing.

Margie must have given her cold to poor Goldie, because Goldie is sick as a dog now. Fortunately, I was there to give her some medicine. I guess I’ll have to keep buying more every day, because these colds last forever in Wild World.

There were no special visitors in town today, and I played too late to have a chance at a balloon present. Tomorrow is Redd’s day, so I’ll probably skip playing, but I’ll be back with (at least) one more entry later in the week.

See you next time! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂

Hey There, Samson

On Friday, I received Antonio’s goodbye letter in the mail. He seems to think we’ll still be friendly rivals. Good luck with that.

Hey there, Jeff, Guess what? I'm moving! Yeah, I know. Stop crying. We'll still be friendly rivals, right? -Your friend, Antonio

I gave Margie more medicine on Thursday, and by Friday, she was finally over her cold. About time! She thanked me for all the medicine, and she rewarded me with a claw-foot tub.

Margie: Here you go. As promised, a claw-foot tub, just for you, tootie.

At town hall, Pelly told me about her plan: She would ask Pete if he liked coffee, and then when he said yes, she would ask him to join her. But Pete surprised her by saying that he liked hot chocolate better than coffee, so Pelly abandoned her plan. Pelly told me Pete was being “unsweet,” but that’s not really fair to Pete. She never even asked him to join her!

Pelly: Even with his sweet tooth, Pete can be awfully unsweet sometimes...

Early this morning, I bought another pack of red turnip seeds from Joan. Of course, I still have a red turnip from last week waiting for Wendell. It can’t hurt to have spares though, because this trading process is going to take multiple attempts to get everything I want.

Later on tonight, it was raining in town. Rolf spoke poetically about the rain, and then he called me a jerk for no reason. He acted as if I insulted his poem, but I didn’t say a word!

Rolf: Well, fine, you big jerk! That's the last time I confide in you!

Then he asked me if heard about Samson and Olivia’s relationship. Wait, what?!

Rolf: Did you hear? About Samson and Olivia's relationship?

I hadn’t even heard about Samson! So I checked the map and headed over to his house to meet my new villager.

Samson: Hey, pleased ta meetcha! I'm Samson! Who are you, pipsqueak?

These villagers really seem to come and go quickly in Wild World, if you let them. It feels like a revolving door lately. As for Samson specifically, I guess he’s okay. I’m not a big fan of the mice in general, but I’ll try to give him a chance.

Saharah never showed up last week, so I’m hoping she comes one day this week. Not only do I need to give her the turban, but I also still need the carpet and wallpaper to go with my space room.

Completing my space room is a goal of mine that I had forgotten about. However, it could be a goal that takes years. In fact, I’m still waiting to get the lunar surface in City Folk, going on 12.5 years already!

Ant Goes Marching

After starting the game up today, I grabbed my slingshot and headed up to the gate to check for UFOs. That’s been my new routine for the past several weeks or so. I didn’t see any UFOs today, but I did shoot down another balloon present; it contained a metronome.

But that wasn’t the only present to come out of the blue. As I was standing there, Bunnie approached me and gave me her picture!

Bunnie: So please take this! It's my picture! Isn't it so cute, villain?!

Even though it seemed early to be getting her picture, it actually has been six months (almost to the day) since she moved in. But I’m glad to have the pic! I put it in my upstairs room. Bunnie’s favorite quote is “Come on! Get amped!”

My room of villager photos.

I visited Peanut, and she said that boys only like girls that are super cute.

Peanut: Boys only like girls that are super cute...

I said that wasn’t the case, and she got mad at me! She even called me a jerk! What the heck??

Peanut: You think so, huh? ...HEY! What are you looking at?! Jeff, you jerk!

Margie was still sick, so I gave her some medicine for the 10 millionth time.

When I went in to visit Antonio, I saw that he was all packed up and ready to move. I did not try to stop him.

Antonio: I dunno if I'll ever come back, so...I'm dedicating my crunches to you...
Ant is marching right out of town.

Olivia mentioned that she wanted a firefly, so I thought she was asking me to catch one for her. But once I did, she never said anything about it. Even though I really like the dialogue in Wild World overall, there are times when the favor dialogue is vague and unclear. Sometimes it sounds like they’re asking for something when they’re not, and vice versa.

At town hall, Pelly was talking about how couples often meet in coffee shops in the movies. She wondered why it doesn’t happen in “real life.” But she was really just hoping to run into Pete at the Roost.

Pelly: I wonder if Pete doesn't like coffee or something?

I found a free snake plant in the recycle bin, and then I wrapped up my game for the night. But I’ll be back again soon!