New Peanut

Yesterday morning, I played very briefly just to buy a pack of red turnip seeds from Joan for 1,000 bells.

Joan: I've one pack left, and it's not cheap. Like I said, they're hard to raise.

Even though she calls it a pack of “seeds,” it must just be one seed…because it only grows one red turnip. But I immediately planted it and watered it. I did not purchase any regular turnips this week, though.

I also saw that Peanut the squirrel had moved into town, but she was still sleeping at the time (and I didn’t play again later in the day). But I did meet her today; she’s very cute, and I like her already!

Peanut: Hi there! I'm Peanut!

She seems very friendly, so I don’t think it’ll take long for her to come out of her shell. 😉

It was raining in town today, and Olivia said that the rain reminds her of how she felt when she was a little girl (or kitten, presumably). She said she was so innocent back then…which makes me wonder what she’s up to nowadays! 😛

Olivia: I was so innocent back then, before I learned the cruel ways of the world.

Big Top said it was hard to get motivated to do anything because of the rain. He said he felt like a waterlogged sloth. 😛

Big Top: Hmm... It's like I'm a waterlogged sloth, ugh!

Unfortunately, Dr. Shrunk was in town today. I wasn’t interested in learning any new emotions, so I didn’t even speak to him. But his presence meant that there was no chance at seeing Saharah, Wendell, or Gulliver’s UFO today.

Nookington’s had a spotlight product, but it was just an unknown machine. Still, I purchased it because I needed it for my catalog.

Timmy: You have a keen eye! That's our spotlight product...the unknown machine!

I also bought some medicine at the shop, and I ended up using it almost immediately. That’s because Margie was still sick. She needs to get herself together at this point. 😛

I may not play tomorrow, since I know it’s Redd’s day to visit and I don’t have any turnips to sell. But I’ll be back at it on Wednesday. See you next time!

Trading Sequence Underway

Yesterday, I shot down another balloon present. I found a ranch tea table inside, which isn’t particularly exciting, but it is nice that I’m seeing some balloon presents again lately.

For once, I was thrilled to find Wendell in town! That allowed me to take the first step in the series of trades required to get the golden axe. So I gave Wendell the red turnip, and he really enjoyed eating it.

Wendell, with a red turnip: I...MUST EAT IT! YUMMY!

To thank me, he gave me a turban.

Wendell: Tuh-to show you how much I appreciated that, have a turban!

Even though it can be worn, its real purpose is to be given to Saharah. Now I just have to wait for the camel to show up in town again.

Trying on the turban from Wendell.

Rolf asked me for some stylish clothes, and I reasoned that helping him out might help me get his photo sooner. So I gave him a No. 1 shirt, and he gave me a geisha wig in return.

Today, Tom Nook told me he was paying 200 bells for turnips!

Tom Nook: I'm currently buying turnips for 200 bells per turnip!

So I sold my 400 turnips for 80,000 bells. I exactly doubled my money. Not bad!

Outside, Bunnie said that she’s been obsessed with fortune-telling lately. She practiced on me, telling me that my lucky item is a vintage tambourine. Also, she assured me that mystical Friday gnomes will protect me.

Bunnie: The mystical Friday gnomes will protect you!
Well, obviously.

Margie was still sick, so I gave her another dose of elephant meds. She needs to get over this cold already. 😛

Over at town hall, Pelly had some special dialogue for me. She said she’s been having trouble waking up in the morning lately, and she hasn’t been sure whether to swipe her time card first or go get some coffee. She compared it to having a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other.

Pelly: It's like I have a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other.

I don’t think getting a cup of coffee is that serious of an issue, Pelly.

After that, I wrapped up my day in Forest. Now that I’ve sold my turnips, I’ll probably take a break from the game tomorrow.

From the golden axe trading guides I’ve read, it seems that some trades can result in “dead ends,” where you have to start the sequence all over again. So for that reason, I might buy another red turnip on Sunday…if I remember. But regardless, I’ll probably be back on Monday to resume my Saharah search.

Have a great weekend! And Never Stop Crossing! 🙂

Big Top’s Bad Day

Yesterday, I received Benedict’s goodbye letter in the mail. He used some awesome hamburger stationery. The greeting and closing fit perfectly on the burger buns.

Good-bye, Jeff, We had some good times. Sleeping... Eating... Hm... Eating some more. But now I'm moving. See you around! See ya! -Benedict

Today, I started up the game and shot down my first balloon present in a couple of years! That’s because I’ve mostly been playing at night until lately (and they only appear during the day in Wild World). The present was a CD player.

But I wasn’t done using my slingshot for the day… At my first x:x7, a UFO flew by overhead! Since I was ready for it, I shot it down with relative ease. I actually had more trouble with the slow-moving balloon present. 😂😂😂

This was my third UFO shot down in Wild World overall (and my 2nd in June). I rushed over to Gulliver and woke him up. Eventually.

Gulliver: Flag on the moon... Numm numm numm... How did it get there...?

He asked me to gather up the missing parts of his spaceship, so of course I did. When I took them all back to him, he rewarded me with a Metroid! That’s the item that took me forever (19 tries) in City Folk! But I added it to my space room, along with a lunar rover I bought at Nookington’s yesterday.

My Metroid in my space room in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Later on, I listened in on a conversation between Big Top and Rolf. Big Top tried to get Rolf to take a quiz, but Rolf wanted no part of it. He was actually mad about it! He asked if I was going to allow Big Top to quiz him, and I said I saw no problem with it. So Rolf called us both idiots!

Rolf: Idiots! Both of you!

He then said Big Top’s hemming and hawing are going to ruin this town! 😮

Rolf: Your hemming and hawing is going to ruin this town, grrrolf!

He made Big Top cry! For someone that’s one of my top-five villagers in the whole series, I really, really dislike him right now. I may not even keep him around after he gives me his photo.

Big Top’s day got even worse a few minutes later. As I was fishing a carp out of the river, Big Top fell into a pitfall!

Big Top struggles to get out of a pitfall.

Margie is still sick, so I gave her some more medicine.

Even though this is my 3rd blog entry this week (and 4th in five days), I may not be done just yet. I’m still playing daily to check turnip prices, and I’m also trying to find Wendell so that I can give him my red turnip and get this trading sequence underway. So I’ll probably be back soon with more! See you then!