Winning is Losing

I received Mathilda’s goodbye letter in the mail, so she is finally gone.

Au revoir, Jeff! I'm leaving town! I wanted it to be a big mystery, but I'm actually just bored. See ya. I'm out! -From, Mathilda

I knew today wasn’t a UFO day, because Booker told me that Dr. Shrunk was in town. He remembered because of the yellow blazer.

Booker: Dr. Shrunk came by here...I think. I mean, I definitely remember the yellow blazer.

But I actually didn’t see Dr. Shrunk at all in town…not that I cared. 😛

Antonio asked me to compete to see who could catch the rarer bug, and I agreed to the challenge.

Antonio: Eh? You want to have a contest to see which of us can catch the rarer bug?

Benedict asked me to open a can of food that expired last year. When I declined the offer, he called me a judgmental jerk. Thanks a lot, friend.

Benedict: What! That's so mean! J-puff, you're a judgmental jerk!

As I finished up that conversation with Benedict, I heard a tarantula nearby. I tracked it down and caught it. I rushed over to Antonio and chose the option that said “Look at my bug!” He said that my tarantula beat his best catch (a mosquito), so he gave me a dart board as my prize. However, he kept my tarantula! So by “winning,” I ended up trading an 8,000 bell bug for an item that sells for a few hundred bells. Oof. I guess “winning” is really losing.

When I visited Margie, she scolded me for opening other people’s drawers and cabinets…even though I didn’t.

I saw a large fish shadow in the river, and I fished out a tire.

Phyllis was having some coffee down in the Roost, and she rudely asked what I was “gawking” at.

Phyllis: Hey, you! Just what are you gawking at? Hmm? What? Nothing?

Without giving me a chance to answer or defend myself (for doing nothing more than simply speaking to her), she angrily told me to go away.

Phyllis: Yeah, that's what I thought! Then go point those peepers someplace else! (THE NERVE!)

There was so much negativity in Forest tonight that it seems to feel like the real world. Nothing seems to be going right lately. 😩 I hope you’re all having better luck.

UFO Down, Roo Out

Lately, I’ve been checking for Gulliver’s UFO each time I start up the game. In a previous comment, Drago said that if it’s a UFO day, it will appear the first time the last digit of the clock hits 2 or 7, as long as you’re outdoors.

I started up the game at 6:00 p.m. today, and I grabbed my slingshot and stood by the gate. However, 6:02 came and went with no sign of the UFO. But I checked again at 6:07, and there it was! I fired my slingshot and hit it on my first attempt!

Gulliver's spaceship takes a hit!

It crash landed in the eastern part of town, just a bit north of town hall.

An unidentified object has crashed in our town!

This is my 2nd UFO that I’ve shot down in Wild World (though I’ve shot down more than 30 in ACCF). I woke up Gulliver and he thanked me for rescuing him (though I didn’t actually drag him out of the wreckage like he thought).

Gulliver: You dragged me unconscious from the blazing wreckage of my beloved starship!

He asked me to find the missing parts of his ship, and of course I agreed to help out. The five pieces were scattered around town.

A UFO part on the ground in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

When I visited Mathilda, I saw that she was all packed up and ready to move out! She’s been my least-favorite villager in town for quite a while (although I don’t hate her), so I did not try to stop her.

Mathilda: It's not your business, but I've got a dream I have to pursue. Someplace else.
I understand. Sometimes you just gotta bounce.

Rolf wanted to sell me a mystery item for 3,000 bells. I told him I wasn’t interested, and he angrily said maybe he wasn’t interested in me.

Rolf: Well, maybe I'm not so interested in you, grrrolf.
I like(d) you better in New Leaf and City Folk.

Margie then asked me to buy a blue retro shirt for 410 bells. That’s a more reasonable price, so I bought the shirt…and put it on.

The last UFO part was causing me some trouble, but I eventually found it. So I took all five pieces back to Gulliver, and he rewarded me with some plate armor…which I put it in my house.

Gulliver: It is an alien artifact of incredible rarity and value. I hope you like it.

Even though Wild World is about 16 years old and I’ve had my town for nearly five years, my UFO hunting is just getting off the ground. I will continue checking for the UFO each time I play; Gulliver and I will meet again!

An Awkward Split

Saharah was in town yesterday, and she lost her map. She asked me to make some deliveries for her, and I agreed to help.

Saharah: All my addresses...gone! My deliveries! My customers! What is a camel to do?!

So I delivered some wallpaper to Mabel and some carpeting to Tom Nook. When I returned to Saharah, she offered me some ringside seating or a concrete floor. I chose the wallpaper.

Benedict told me he was hunting for fossils, but he said he’s not in it for the money. He said his true love is finding rare fossils…and gloating about them to Bunnie. 😂

Benedict: My true love is finding rare fossils...and gloating about it to Bunnie.

Rolf was trying to move out of town, but I eventually got him to reconsider.

Today, Antonio wanted to have a competition to see who could catch a pill bug first. Since those are among the easiest bugs to catch, I agreed to the contest. A pill bug popped out of the very first rock I banged, and Antonio gave me 510 bells for the bug.

Antonio: OK, trading time, baby! Bammity, wee baby! 510 bells!

Margie gave me a free “A” shirt. I was overdue to change my clothes, so I decided to put on my new threads ASAP.

Goldie asked me for a fossil, so I gave her one of the ones I dug up today (a pachy tail). She was really happy with it, and she gave me a ranch armchair in return.

In front of the museum, I listened in on a conversation between Antonio and Margie…and I’m glad I did. Antonio warned Margie to stay away, because he just split his pants.

Antonio: Uhhhhh...I was just doing a set of thunder squats, and I kinda split my pants.

Margie laughed at Antonio’s predicament, but then she came to a surprising realization: Antonio doesn’t wear pants. So she wondered what exactly split! 😮

Margie: Hey, wait a sec. You don't wear pants. So, then... What split?!?!

That’s a good question, and yet, I’m afraid that I don’t want to know the answer. 😂