Flower Fest 2021

When I first spoke with Antonio tonight, he confused me by starting the conversation by saying “What?! Shamrocks don’t count?!”

Antonio: What?! Shamrocks don't count?!
They can only count up to 3. Or 4, if they’re lucky.

After I shot him a puzzled look, it finally dawned on me that he was talking about the Flower Fest, which is underway this week. It’s the competition where villagers decorate their yards with flowers.

Tortimer judges whose garden has the best flower display on Sunday night, and the winner will be given the title of Green Thumb. I won the event two years ago, but I’m not interested in participating again. It’s too much work and not worth the effort. Not to mention, I’d be risking losing my many hybrid flowers if I didn’t water them daily.

I found Tortimer standing outside of town hall, complaining about how he was standing outside all day. 😛

Tortimer: I'm not a spring turtle anymore, you see...

I took a look at everyone’s gardens, to try to guess who would win. Mathilda and Goldie each had seven flowers by their houses, but Rolf seemed to have the most, with eight…even though I’m not sure if his flowers were close enough to his house to count.

Eight flowers around Rolf's house.

I guess I’ll find out next week who won!

Bunnie was still sick, so I bought some more medicine for her.

Bunnie: Gluuuggg... Ahhhhhh... Thank you, J-puff!

Antonio showed me a weird letter he received, from someone that offered him 10,000 bells if he could guess what they were thinking. But the letter automatically assumes that he’s wrong anyway, so there’s no real way to win. 😛

Try your luck! I'll give you 10,000 bells if you can guess what I'm thinking. Nope, it's not that. Better luck next time!

Have a good weekend, everyone! See you next time.

Fever Dreams

Mom sent me a weird letter today, saying that she prefers fevers over other ailments like broken bones (well, duh), allergies, and nosebleeds. Her reasoning? Because fevers give you neat dreams. I did not know that (and I never noticed such a thing myself).

Dear Jeff, Do you prefer fevers, allergic reactions, broken bones, or nosebleeds? Me, I'm partial to fevers. You get neat dreams. -Mom

Rolf was all packed up and ready to move out of town, but I refused to let him go. It took me several minutes of repeated attempts, but I eventually saved the white tiger.

Nookington’s had a spotlight product today, but it was a covered wagon (which I didn’t even need for my catalog). It’s now been over a year and a half since I unlocked spotlight products, and I still haven’t seen either of the two paintings I need. This is so frustrating.

Margie again asked me to compete to see who could catch a common butterfly first. And this time, it was early enough in the day that they were still out. So I agreed to the contest, and I caught one in front of the museum.

I caught a common butterfly! It's so white and pure!

I took the butterfly back to Margie, and she rewarded me with a Spaceman Sam. Not a bad reward, but I already have two of them in my space room.

Margie: From my very own stash, I present to you my Spaceman Sam.

Bunnie was sick with a cold, so I gave her some medicine. She gulped it down, said it was nasty, and then she breathed her germs right in my face. Thanks a lot.

Bunnie: Ew, that tastes totally foul and GROSS... But it's gonna help...

When I checked the recycle bin at town hall, I found myself a free white queen. And since it’s the last day of the month, I put all my bells into my savings account to maximize my interest earned (although it won’t be much since my balance is very low). 😛

Bug in Your Pants

I received a weird letter from Mom in the mail tonight; she said she misses the crunching sound I made when I ate fruit. On the bright side, she sent me a piece of foreign fruit with the letter. But it was a pear, which I already have in town. I also already have apples, and oranges are my native fruit. She needs to send me a cherry or peach next time!

Dear Jeff, Whenever I eat a piece of fruit, I think of you. That crunchy sound you made with every bite. I miss your crunch. -Mom

It was raining pretty heavily in town tonight, and Mathilda was traumatized that she got her clothes all wet. I guess she doesn’t care about her baby getting soaked too…just the outfit.

Mathilda: I got my new outfit all wet! Ugh! The whole ordeal was terribly traumatizing...
…and yet she’s still standing outside in the rain.

She continued talking about clothing, saying that if you don’t care about fashion, you can end up looking like a hobo.

Mathilda: You can end up looking like a hobo. And most people aren't friends with hobos.

When I ran into Goldie, she showed me an odd letter that she received from a secret admirer. Whoever it was, they compared her skin to Muenster cheese sliced in the deli of the heavens. It was as creepy as it was cheesy, but Goldie really seemed to like the letter for some reason.

My dearest Goldie, Your skin is as luminous as Muenster cheese, sliced fresh daily in the deli of the heavens. -Your Secret Admirer

I visited Margie, and she told me that you’re always young at heart when you have a bug in your pants. I’m not so sure about that; it may depend on how the bug got there. 🐛

Margie: You're always young at heart when you've got a bug in your pants!

It was actually her way of asking me to catch a common butterfly. But it was too late at night to catch one, so I declined the request. I need to play earlier in the day at some point. 😛

Bunnie was packed up and ready to move out of town, but I got her to change her mind. I need to earn her villager pic before I let her leave.

See you all next time!