Groovy Gracie

Gracie was in town today, so I decided to give her fashion quiz a try.

Gracie: Even trashy, off-the-rack clothes look better without wrinkles...

As usual, I tried to answer how I imagine Gracie would respond to each question herself. In the end, that approach paid off: I earned another Fashionista badge. After speaking to her several times, I was able to give her 5,000 bells for a new outfit. She gave me a groovy shirt and triangle shades.

Jeff wears a groovy shirt and triangle shades from Gracie.

Poor Goldie was still sick, and she doesn’t seem to be getting any better.

Goldie: I think it's getting worse. Not that you should worry about me. I'll be...fine.

So I went to the store and bought her some more medicine.

Margie was talking about bugs, saying that they have their own cuteness once you get to know them. Uh, no. They’re not cute, and I wouldn’t want to get to know one!

Margie: Once you get to know them, bugs have their own kind of cuteness, tootie.

She even said she could just drown in their eyes! Yikes. 🤢

Margie: I could just drown in those bottomless, multifaceted eyes, tootie.

She wanted to have a competition to see who could catch a common butterfly first. But since it was too late for them to be out, I declined the request. It’s impossible to win! About ten minutes later, she had the same exact request again! Needless to say, I turned her down again.

HRA 150k!

I was very surprised when I checked my mail today and found this letter from the Happy Room Academy (HRA). Somehow, I topped 150k points!!

Jeff, your room gets 153,667 points!!! UNBELIEVABLE!! Please take this gift to commemorate earning 150,000+ points!! -Happy Room Academy

That Master Sword I added last week must have helped my score more than I expected! Awesome! My reward was this mansion model.

The mansion model in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

So one of my two main goals (as I recently posted in this video) is now complete! The other one is the biggest goal of all, completing the museum…and I still need two paintings to do that. Nookington’s actually had a spotlight product today, but it was an ivory piano…not a painting. I still bought it for my catalog, though.

An ivory piano for sale at Nookington's as the spotlight product.

Margie was all packed up to move out of town, but I think I got her to change her mind.

Outside, I listened in as Antonio asked Mathilda how she spends her time if she doesn’t work out. Mathilda replied that she likes to shop a lot. I thought this conversation was headed for an argument, but I was wrong! Antonio said that extreme shopping can be a good workout, and Mathilda agreed! She said she once pushed her way to the front of a line!

Mathilda: This one time, I pushed my way to the front of the changing-room line.

About a minute after that, I heard a UFO flying overhead! I tried to get my slingshot out in time, but I wasn’t in a good position. By the time I nearly caught up with the UFO, it flew over the river (where there is no bridge). So this close encounter wasn’t close enough. Doh.

Goldie was still feeling sick, so I bought her some more medicine. Hopefully this will be the last time she needs medicine.

Goldie flips as she takes her medicine.

Have a great day, everyone! See you next time! 🙂

Flea Market 2021

The snowman I added to my house last week gave a boost to my HRA score, but it wasn’t as big as I hoped. My score now sits at 145,744 points. I have a feeling that my room full of flowers may be hurting my score. So I added a Master Sword, which I got from Wishy in the mail for wishing on a shooting star, to add to my Nintendo bench in there.

Mathilda asked me about her outfit yesterday, wondering if I thought it made it look like she was looking for fossils, love, or her true self. I guessed “love,” and she made a comment about finding boys in dirt. Huh?

Mathilda: Oh, yes, you find the most interesting things in the dirt, like boys, wee baby.

I neglected to notice she was holding a shovel, so apparently the correct answer was fossils. 😛

Antonio was packed up and ready to move out, but I asked him to stay. I still need his picture, so I want to keep him around until he hands it over.

Today, the flea market was underway. But I really had no interest in buying junk from my villagers. Sorry, Big Top. 😛

Big Top: Welcome to Big Top's Mega Mart, where the deals grab you by the lapels...

And speaking to villagers without buying anything makes them sad. I’m really not a fan of this event.

Benedict: Sorry I even mentioned it, buhk buhk.

Even some of the outdoor villagers don’t want to talk because they’re thinking about selling stuff. Bunnie wanted to rush home to sell a nasty old couch.

Bunnie: I have to go! I've got this nasty old couch I want to sell, grrrolf!

Mathilda wasn’t talking about the flea market, because her mind was on pill bugs instead for some reason. She said that back in the day, pill bugs were as big as us! Now that is a creepy thought!

Mathilda: Back in the day, an average pill bug was the same size as us!
I think I would need a much bigger net.

Goldie was sick with a cold, so I bought some medicine for her. Get well soon!