Mochi Mansion

Big Top told me about a dream he had the other night. He said he lived in a mansion that looked like a castle, but it was made out of mochi (a Japanese rice cake). So he never got hungry. 😛

Big Top: In the dream, I was living in this huge, castle-lookin' house. Yeah, like a mansion.

While I was picking up fruit near Able Sisters, I saw (and heard) a UFO. Unfortunately, it was almost to the edge of town and I was too far away to have a chance at it, so I didn’t even bother running up.

I’m noticing that I see more random UFOs in Wild World than I did in City Folk. I think the main reason is that in Wild World, you can see/hear them from anywhere in town. In City Folk, you have to be near them to even hear them. I know I still need to shoot one down in Wild World, but I’ll have to prepare to go UFO hunting at some point. 😛 And that probably won’t be anytime soon, since I’m playing a lot of New Horizons right now.

I saw Antonio over by the bulletin board, so I went to chat with him. But as I did, and the tree blocking my sight disappeared, I was surprised to see not only two villagers, but two nets. For a split second, I wasn’t sure what I was looking at. 😛

Antonio and Mathilda, both holding nets, standing next to each other.

I didn’t even realize that Mathilda was standing there with him. Antonio just said that if I wanted to catch a flea, a net might not be my best choice. But I wonder what Antonio and Mathilda were doing there behind that tree…catching fleas off each other? I doubt it. 😛

Meanwhile, Victoria was so hungry that she could eat a horse house.

Victoria: Your house, I ate it! What the heck's going on?! It got SOOOO big!

Surprisingly, nobody tried to move out of town this week. Have a great day, and I’ll see you next time!

Flower Fest 2020

The Flower Fest is underway this week. I found Tortimer standing outside of town hall, but he would only talk about how tired his feet are! I talked to him many, many times and that’s all he would say!

Tortimer: Oh, Jeff... I'm so tired. My feet ache from standing here all day...
So go inside and sit down. It’s not like you’re helping anyone anyway.

Victoria was nearby, and she said I should keep slacking, so that she can win the Flower Fest again this year.

Victoria: I hope you keep slackin', 'cause then I'll win again this year!

Excuse me? Again? For one thing, you didn’t even live here last year. And secondly, I was the Flower Fest winner last year!

Margie was all packed up, trying to escape from Forest to go join the circus. But I got her to reconsider…after four and a half minutes of begging her not to go, that is. But yeah, I showed her! 😛

Margie: Jeff, if you want me here so badly, I'll think about it. But no promises!

When I ran into Victoria again, she was still talking about flowers…but in a different way. She was wondering what it would be like to be a flower.

Victoria: If I wanna be a flower, I better get used to sitting in the soil, I ate it!

After making my rounds, I collected and sold several loads of fruit. Crazy Redd was not in town this week, due to the Flower Fest.

April Fools’ Day

I received a letter from Mom today, and she said she’s going to be the cover model of Pie Monthly magazine! But she was just joking; she followed up with “April Fools!” 😀

Dear Jeff, Guess what?! The editor of Pie Monthly asked me to be this month's cover model! April fools! -Mom

Even though most Animal Crossing games have some sort of event for April Fools’ Day, Wild World and New Horizons do not. But at least Mom sent this letter in the spirit of the occasion.

The arrival of April also means that many trees now have pink leaves to represent cherry blossom season. By the way, I took off my King Tut wig. I was tired of falling on my face. 😉

Pink trees in ACWW.

Benedict asked me which of the following I like the best: black roses, gold roses, or him. Maybe it was a bit harsh, but I picked gold roses. 😛 That apparently hurt his feelings, and he told me he doesn’t think I’ll ever find one. 😛

Benedict: Oh, OK... I get it. Well, I don't think you'll ever find one, red roost.
I already have. It’s right next to my house.

A notice on the bulletin board said that the Flower Fest starts next week. Considering I just recently put all my hybrids in my house and let many of my other flowers die, I don’t plan on participating this year. 😛

Mathilda told me that you can change the way a room feels by changing the lighting. She said yellow light drives her crazy! Great, now I just need to find a yellow lamp for her. 😀

Mathilda: Well, actually, yellow drives you completely crazy, roo'd!

None of my villagers were packed up in boxes today, which was a bit surprising. I have a feeling someone is going to leave without notice now. I guess I’ll find out next week.

Have a great day!