Working for Saharah

It was finally snowing in Forest tonight, for just the 2nd time this winter. That gave me a nice break from having to water my flowers. I ran into Saharah, and she told me she lost her map.

Saharah: Ah, I have a problem... A terrible problem... I have forgotten my map!

Wait…what? This dialogue didn’t sound familiar to me. Could it be…? Is it possible? Believe it or not, this is my first encounter with Saharah in Wild World! My town is 3 years and 2 months old… So how in the world did I go without seeing her for 38 months?!

Admittedly, most of the days I’ve played have either been Tuesdays (Crazy Redd days) or Saturdays (Lyle/K.K. days). But still, I’ve played enough other random days that I should have seen her before now! After all, I have seen Dr. Shrunk, Gracie, Pascal, Wendell, Katrina, and even Gulliver’s UFO…all multiple times! It’s weird that Saharah has eluded me for this long.

Well regardless, I had a job to do: Saharah asked me to make some carpet deliveries for her!

Saharah: Wait! You look like a good person! You will help me make deliveries, yes?

The first one was addressed to Phyllis. It was still Pelly’s shift at town hall, so I wasn’t sure if I would have to wait until later tonight. But fortunately, Pelly took it for me.

Pelly: Jeff, since when have you been working for Saharah?
I know, right?

I ran into Kabuki, and he was being unusually nice today. He said he appreciated the fact that I came to talk to him even though it’s snowing out.

Kabuki: It's nice that even on snowy days like today, you still come to talk to me.

But on the other hand, he later gave me the nickname “Crazy J,” so maybe it evened out after all.

It took me a while to track down Saharah again, but she thanked me for making the delivery to town hall. Next, she wanted me to take a carpet package to Tom Nook.

Saharah: I have the next one here. Please take it to Tom Nook.

I headed over to Nookington’s, and I couldn’t help but notice something: After years of making deliveries to animals for Tom Nook, and receiving ordered items from Tom Nook, this is the first time I’ve made a delivery to Tom Nook.

Tom Nook: Yes, yes, how can I help you, hm? >Delivery!

When I went back to Saharah, she told me my work was done. She offered me either a blue tarp or a western desert. I chose the latter…though after seeing what it looked like, I had no intentions of keeping it.

The western desert carpet on display in my house, along with snowman furniture and a large festive tree.
Is my tree leaning?

Well, working for Saharah was a new experience for me. Definitely not something I was expecting when I started up the game today. I guess I hadn’t even thought about not seeing Saharah yet in this game. But I do like how the Saharah experience is different in each Animal Crossing game.

On GameCube, you trade-in carpets (and pay a fee) to get new carpets. In Wild World, you make deliveries for her. In City Folk, you ask all your villagers if they have old carpets/wallpaper for her. And in New Leaf, she redecorates your main room’s carpets and walls for you.

Just a few other quick notes about today:

  • I bought a satellite at Nookington’s for my space room.
  • Mint was ready to move out, but I changed her mind (after many attempts).
  • I delivered a letter from Goldie to Big Top. Goldie rewarded me with a chic wall.

Happy holidays, and I’ll see you all next time!

Being Watched

Gracie was in town yesterday, and I hadn’t seen her in a while, so I made sure to chat her up. As she was, uh, taking my measurements, all the girls in town came over to watch! Rosie and Margie pinged me, and Mint was just walking towards me.

Gracie: Darling, let's start with your measurements.
Can I get some privacy here?

Once Gracie was done measuring me and moved on to a pop quiz, the girls all lost interest and walked away. 🤣🤣🤣

Gracie: Oh, sweetie. Time for a fashion pop quiz!

She gave me a certificate saying I was a true fashionista. I didn’t get a prize or anything, but now I realize that I should have kept talking to her more, and I didn’t. Oops. Maybe next time.

When I mentioned “all the girls in town” above, that wasn’t entirely true. That didn’t include Goldie, who had been sick for a while. She was in her house, but she was finally feeling better today. She gave me a conga drum (and a kiss?) to thank me for the medicine.

Goldie: Here you go. As promised, a conga drum, just for you, woof.

Even though I’ve been playing more frequently over the past week, it’s not because of snow. In fact, it hasn’t snowed again since last Tuesday! I was thinking snow was more frequent once winter started, but that hasn’t been the case so far.

Today, I spoke with Teddy and he asked what happened to my face. And no, I had not been stung by a bee. He was just being rude.

Teddy: Yo, champ! WHOA! Man... What happened to your face...

Anyway, he asked me if I thought all he does is work out and get big, and I answered yes. That’s all he ever seems to talk about (when he’s not being rude), after all. So he got mad at me for my answer, gave me a “How DARE you,” and basically called me ignorant.

Teddy: Yeah, I take time out to school ignorant folks on my habits, too, in a pond!

I am SO ready for him to leave town. As much as I like him in other games, I’m starting to strongly dislike him in Wild World.

At the other end of the spectrum, I just seem to be liking Margie more and more. She was talking about how much she loves Forest. How cute. 🙂

Margie: Forest is such a cute town, like gum! I heart Forest!

Goldie was in her house again today, and she was talking about designing. I didn’t quite understand why she told me she didn’t have a pencil in her house, though.

Goldie: I don't have a pencil in my house...
Well your gyroid kinda looks like a big pencil…

After having Blathers identify my fossils, I went to Benedict’s house. He has been asking me for a fossil, so I gave him an archaeopteryx. He gave me an exquisite rug in return. I wanted to see if he would display the fossil, so I left his house and then re-entered. He did indeed display it, and he joked that his house was like a new mini-museum.

Benedict: It's like the opening of a new miniature museum, uh-hoo!

When I spoke to him again though, he asked for another fossil. I gave him a plesio skull and he gave me 500 bells. At this point, I stopped talking to him before he wanted any more fossils. I’m losing out by giving them away for rugs and 500 bells. But he sure seemed happy with his little museum. 🙂

I found a striped cone in the recycle bin at town hall. It’s not particularly worth much, but it seems rare to find much of anything in there in Wild World. So I’ll take any freebies I can get.

There hasn’t been any change in my town status, despite the flowers and trees I’ve been planting. But I’m going to keep trying! See you next time!

Not Passing, Not Failing

I’ve been playing more frequently lately, so this blog entry will cover several days of playing.


Wednesday was December 11th, and there were two main things I noticed on the ground.

Snow on the ground and wilted flowers in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

The first one is obvious: Snow now covers the grass. But the second thing I noticed is that I had wilted flowers…even though it snowed the day before! So I went back to compare my Tuesday footage with my Wednesday footage, and this is what I found.

First of all, any flowers that were wilted on Tuesday were indeed revived by the snow on Wednesday. That’s what I expected. However, some of the flowers that were not wilted on Tuesday during the snow were wilted on Wednesday! Not a lot, but a few.

So the precipitation seems to help wilted flowers, but doesn’t prevent non-wilted flowers from wilting the next day. This is not how it works in City Folk and New Leaf. In those later games, there won’t be any wilties on the day after rain or snow. Just a heads-up for those of you who still play Wild World (if you didn’t know this already).


The good news is that Tom Nook had a spotlight product today. The bad news is that it was a hamster cage again! That makes three times already that the spotlight product has been a hamster cage! And I’ve only had a handful of spotlight items so far…how can the items be hamsters half the time? 🤣🐹🐹🐹🤣

Goldie was still sick with a cold, so I retrieved some medicine for her.

Goldie flies through the air (?) and takes her medicine.

Mint showed me a letter she got, saying that even coconut thieves think they are good people.

Listen up, Mint! Deep down inside, most people think that they're good people. Even coconut thieves. Just saying. -From a bad person


Teddy was out looking for a dung beetle tonight. Maybe he should find some dung first.

Teddy: Yaaarghgh! Why can't I find a dung beetle...

Rosie was all packed up and ready to leave me, but I got her to change her mind. I don’t want to let her go!

Goldie was still sick, so I gave her some medicine once again.

I planted more trees and flowers every day I played this week, but I’m still getting that “not passing, not failing” message at town hall.

Pelly: Hmm... Well, it's not passing, but it's not failing either.

Of course, I’m going to keep trying! Hopefully I’ll reach perfect town status soon, maybe even next week? We’ll see!