Scribblenauts User Creations

Here I’m going to show off some objects that have been created in Scribblenauts Unlimited for Wii U. Some of these are things I’ve made myself and some are from other people. First off is the Animal Crossing characters: Four I made myself and two others made by bobboy6:

Animal Crossing characters created in Scribblenauts UnlimitedShown above:

  • Bob by jvgsjeff
  • Gaston by jvgsjeff
  • Jambette by jvgsjeff
  • Tom Nook by jvgsjeff
  • Tortimer by bobboy6
  • Pete by bobboy6

One cool thing about Pete, is that he will drop a package when you walk by him, as if he’s delivering it to you. If you open it up, you’ll find a figurine inside.

The next one is the Bluths’ staircar from Arrested Development, which I created:

The Bluths' staircar (from Arrested Development) in Scribblenauts Unlimited And in this picture, there are two items from nick-kun and two from pikachu33.

User creations in Scribblenauts UnlimitedShown above:

  • loveosaur by nick-kun
  • Moon Sword by nick-kun
  • cat-horse by pikachu33
  • motor cat-dog by pikachu33

The loveosaur shoots out Cupid arrows and the Moon Sword is from Avatar. Pikachu33’s two creations are some funny animal hybrids. You gotta love seeing people making creative items and creatures like these.

UPDATE: Here are three Arrested Development characters–Buster Bluth, Tobias Funke, and Franklin D. Bluth. They were all created by Middles:

Arrested Development characters in Scribblenauts Unlimited All of the items listed here are available online, so you can download them for yourself if you’d like.

Buy Scribblenauts Unlimited at

Finished Nano Assault Neo

Tonight I beat the single player (main) mode of Nano Assault Neo. The last boss was surprisingly easy.

Last boss of Nano Assault NeoAfter beating it, I was disappointed to find there was no real ending. No credits, not even a “congratulations” screen. All I got was a screen telling me I unlocked the “survivor” mode.

Nano Assault Neo ending screenBut despite that slight letdown, I definitely enjoyed Nano Assault Neo. It is a short game, no doubt. If you’re playing just to beat it, you could probably do it in under three hours. But it has online leaderboards and achievement-style missions that encourage you to beat other people’s high scores or meet other goals. So it does have replay value. And the graphics are definitely impressive; it’s a gorgeous game. I do recommend the game for anyone who is even slightly interested in shooters. It’s well worth the $10 asking price. You can expect a review soon. In the meantime, here are a few more screenshots of the game.

Nano Assault Neo - Wii U screenshotNano Assault Neo - Wii U screenshotNano Assault Neo - Wii U screenshotUPDATE: The review is now up on the JVGS Wii U review page.

Coffee Break

I played some more Earthbound tonight, and I got to a strange place called Saturn Valley. It’s home to Mr. Saturn, and…other Mr. Saturns. Everyone in this town is named Mr. Saturn and they all speak in a strange, hard-to-read font. It’s an odd place.

Earthbound - Mr. SaturnAfter (not) entering a long password behind the waterfall, I made my way to fight a boss known as Master Belch. Needless to say, he belches a lot.

Earthbound - Master BelchAfter defeating him, I returned to Saturn Valley and got to experience one of the most memorable parts of the game: The coffee break. It’s part recap of what’s happened and part motivational speech, presented against a trippy, bubbling background while calm, soothing music plays. It makes you wonder what’s in the coffee. This type of thing is not something that you’d see in a regular video game, but Earthbound is far from a regular game. After my coffee break, I saved my game for the night.

Earthbound - Coffee break