After several unfortunate situations with blood moons (I kept dying, so the blood moon kept restarting), I finally made it to the Dueling Peaks Tower. I climbed up and used my Sheikah Slate to activate it, and that gave me a regional map for this area. I also gained the Sheikah Sensor, which lets me know when new shrines are nearby.
When I was trying to use Cryonis to make an ice pillar in the water, I made a huge mistake. I pressed the wrong button, and I actually threw my sword into the water! I couldn’t get it back, either! Fail.
After a lot of climbing up the Dueling Peaks themselves, I found two shrines. They had a connected, memory based puzzle that required you to go back and forth between the two shrines. Completing them earned me two more spirit orbs.
I soon encountered yet another shrine, and this one was more enjoyable. I had to press switches at the correct times to make a ball roll into a designated area. There are more shrines around than I first realized.
When I finally hit the road again, I ran into Mezer. He’s a traveling meat and salt salesman. Now this is the type of bizarre thing I’ve come to expect in Zelda games.

Across the bridge, I reached Dueling Peaks Stable! I heard music playing, and it reminded me of Malon singing Epona’s song at Lon Lon Ranch in Ocarina of Time. It was nighttime, but I went around to explore. There were horses, goats, chickens, and even a dog!

I went inside and talked to some people, although some others were sleeping. The stable also functions as an inn, but I didn’t want to waste money on sleep.
There was also a very familiar face in here: Beedle!
As I waited for morning to come, I explored out back. There were some wild horses, and I snuck up on one and hopped on! I rode my new horse all night long.
In the morning, I registered my new buddy. Look at my horse. My horse is Amazing.
We headed out for Kakariko Village, but I soon encountered a side quest. After I recovered some maracas for Hestu, he offered to exchange some of my Korok seeds for a bigger inventory. I definitely needed the space to hold more weapons!
I continued on, and soon arrived at Kakariko Village! There are villagers to talk to, there’s a pumpkin farm, and of course there are shops where you can buy and sell goods.
At the clothing shop, I bought myself a Hylian hood and Hylian tunic.
But my main objective here was to talk to Impa. She seems to have aged since I last saw her.
She gave me a history lesson about what happened 100 years earlier, and she told me I need to seek out the four races of Hyrule. Each race is in a different part of the map, so I think the world just opened up even more. But first, I have to go to Hateno (no hate?) Village to unlock my memories. I hope I don’t forget to go there!
There was a shrine nearby, so I completed it for another spirit orb. And since I had five spirit orbs, I decided to teleport back to the Temple of Time. I traded in four of my orbs for a stamina vessel this time; it increases the amount of time that I can exert myself running or swimming. Or dirty dancing with Impa.

Since I was back on the plateau temporarily, I tried stopping by the old man’s hut. Unfortunately, he was nowhere in sight. I did read a new entry of his diary, however.
See you next time!