Since last time, I’ve set off without any particular goals in mind. Sure, I wanted to find more shrines, treasure, and even Korok seeds, but I didn’t have any big goal in mind just yet.
I found a couple of shrines, including this one where I had to float on a platform held up by balloons, and maneuver around sharp objects.
While back outside exploring, I spotted a big red dragon! I shot some arrows at it, but they didn’t seem to do anything.
After fighting a camp full of enemies nearby, I spotted something glowing in the distance.
Naturally, I went over to check it out. It was Dinraal’s scale! This apparently fell off of the dragon! I previously learned that this is what I need to offer at the Spring of Power. So I headed there and offered the scale to the goddess statue. A new shrine opened up. After completing it, I traded in four spirit orbs for another heart container.
Later on, after recovering a memory near the Bottomless Swamp, I found a new shrine on a small island. The Floret Sandbar, to be exact. I walked towards the shrine, only to be interrupted when I stepped on the flowers circling the shrine.
This lady told me how she planted the flowers and watches over them 24/7 like an obsessed psychopath. Okay, maybe she didn’t use those exact words, but it’s true. A side quest began, and my job was to make my way to the shrine without stepping on flowers.
There is a maze-like path through the flowers that leads to the shrine. After stepping on flowers a second time (and being warned again), I decide to just use Revali’s Gale (the ability I learned from defeating Vah Medoh) to fly over them and reach the shrine. That completed the crazy lady’s side quest, and I went inside.
After completing the fairly easy shrine, I came back out. Since both the shrine and the lady’s side quest had been completed, I thought it was finally safe to walk on the flowers. I was wrong.
At this point, she was really starting to get on my nerves. So I stepped on those flowers again. I’d stomp them if I could, but she interrupts too quickly. Her reaction this time was quite different. At first, she looked depressed.
But then she really lost it. She exploded in anger.
She started running like crazy, trampling the flowers she’s so intent on protecting! This woman is psycho.
She then vowed to make me feel the flowers’ rage!
The screen went dark and she beat me up! Really!
When the game faded in from black, I was on the ground, barely conscious, and with three hearts worth of health missing.
At this point, you’d think I would have learned my lesson. But no. I was angry now, so I took out my meteor rod and set her precious flowers on fire!

Her reaction was surprisingly tame this time (perhaps the beating she laid on me reset her mood cycle). But seeing her flowers burn left me with a nice satisfying feeling (even if the flowers returned to health after her warning). So I moved on.
I saw a sleeping giant (a Hinox) and I decided to pick a fight with it. I used my meteor rod to shoot some fire at the Hinox. At first, he tried to stamp out the fire with his feet. But after I shot at him again, he quickly ignored the fire and started coming for me.
These giants may be slow, but they take a while to beat. But once I did defeat him, I teleported to near the Gerudo Highlands. I love the view from up here!
After a bit more exploring, I wrapped up my game for now. Next time, I just might try heading over to Hyrule Castle to fight Calamity Ganon. That should be fun.
Update: Here is a video of my encounter with Magda.