Summertime has arrived in the world of Stardew Valley.
Summer, Day 1
I set up for the new season by preparing my fields for new crops. I planted some melon seeds I already owned, and then headed to Pierre’s for some other seeds. I only bought some tomato seeds and blueberry seeds for the time being, since I still have limited space in my backpack. It’s so berry annoying!
I spent my day foraging and just exploring to see what was new for summer. When I got back home, I saw some glowing orbs around my property. At first I thought they were ghosts or something, and then I realized they were just fireflies.
Summer, Day 2
Today I bought a few pepper seeds, wheat seeds, and radish seeds. I planted some of them on my farm, and then I went down to the beach to relax for a bit. I picked up some seashells while I was there, but I didn’t get much work done.
After I went to sleep, I heard a loud rumbling sound.
Summer, Day 3
As I started the day, a message informed me of some news: There had been an earthquake overnight! That explained the noise I heard. The first letter I received in summer was from Mayor Lewis. He wanted me to find his purple “shorts.” I’m not sure why “shorts” is in quotation marks, but this can’t be good.
At the community center, I donated a few items (a sweet pea, spice berry, and grape) to complete the summer foraging bundle. A new scroll was unlocked on the bulletin board.
I noticed that the boulders leading to the railroad (which I tried to blow up with a cherry bomb last time), were now gone! Apparently the earthquake cleared the rubble away, opening up a new path! (Seems a bit backwards, but I’m not complaining).
I followed the path, and found a bath house!
There are locker rooms and a spa. You can get into the water to refill your energy gauge! This place looks really well maintained for a place that was separated from all of humanity by a wall of boulders.
The new path also led to a train station. But it didn’t look like the train was coming anytime soon.

Summer, Day 4
Today, I worked on clearing up some weeds, sticks, and rocks from my property. I also talked with some people, including the wizard, who I hadn’t visited in a while. I didn’t get much else done, though.
Summer, Day 5
I used my hoe to till the soil to make a fourth area to plant seeds. I put down some assorted summer seeds. I might as well use them while they’re in season.
Over at the mine, I worked my way down to level 20 for the first time. Not only did that unlock the level 20 elevator, but I also found this treasure chest. A steel smallsword was inside.
I hung out in the Stardrop Saloon in the evening, before heading home for the night.
Summer, Day 6
I went to the blacksmith’s place today, and I found Mayor Lewis inside. He said he was collecting Clint’s business tax. Uh-oh, do I owe tax too?
Clint processed three geodes for me, which I dug up in the mine yesterday. They contained slate, jagoite, and a thunder egg. The first two were new ones for me, so I donated them to the museum next door.
As I was walking through town, a notice appeared on-screen. It said “a train is passing through Stardew Valley.” But I was nowhere near the train station, so I didn’t bother trying to see it. Maybe another time.
I was wondering if you were going to go the community center or Wal- sorry, Joja Mart route. Not that I would have judged you either way, though restoring the community center is the only way to get certain achievements and prizes.
I plan on restoring the community center. Eventually.