I returned to Kilton at the Fang and Bone shop, and he informed me that I have now defeated all four Moldugas. As a reward, he gave me a medal of honor! As far as I can tell, it’s not useful in any way…just for bragging rights, I guess.

While exploring an archipelago, I was shocked to find Kass performing his accordion up on a stone pillar! I thought had already found all of the Kass(es) in the world. Guess I was wrong!

He had an exclamation point, indicating a new quest for me. He told me the hint, and I quickly swam to the nearby area and found a hidden treasure chest that contained 300 rupees. I was hoping for a new shrine, but oh well. It’s still a side quest marked off my to-do list.
Next, I teleported to a shrine near the Tabantha Bridge Stable. When I arrived, I didn’t have to search long before I spotted a guy named Google Geggle. He pointed me in the direction of a seemingly man-made cliff that could house a shrine! And indeed, a new shrine quest opened up. However, my excitement evaporated almost immediately as the shrine quest was instantly marked complete. It’s one I had already completed, I just never got the hint for it in the first place.
That made two times I thought I was about to find a new shrine, only to be shut down. But my luck was about to change. One of the people at the stable mentioned Ludfo’s Bog to the east. I didn’t remember that being an area I had explored well, so I headed there right away.
The bog has tons of large, mushroom-shaped (but flat-topped) tree-like structures. It definitely has a unique look to it.

I found several new Korok seeds here. As I moved north, I reached the Thundra Plateau and triggered a clue from a mysterious voice. No doubt about it: This was a new shrine quest, at last! It started storming, so I put on my rubber suit and got to work. I figured out how to gain entrance to the shrine, and then blew up a bunch of stones inside to complete it. Shrine #115 is in the books. Just five more to go!
I continued exploring, and I was quite surprised when I walked right up to a stable that I haven’t been to before! It was Serenne Stable, and it wasn’t even hidden. It was right in the open, right along the path!

I was happy to see three guys that had exclamation points above their heads (indicating they had a quest for me). They were looking for leviathan bones, and they asked me to find three skeletons and draw a picture of each one. Of course, I could use my Sheikah Slate to take a photo instead, but these guys didn’t know about that type of technology. So I set off for the lands of Eldin, Hebra, and Gerudo.
First, I went to the desert, because I remembered the large skeleton there. I quickly snapped a photo, and then went up to Death Mountain (the Eldin region). I had a bit more trouble here, because the skeletons on the map weren’t the bones I needed. But after looking more closely, I found what I needed and got the picture.
The Hebra region seemed to be the toughest of all, since I saw no obvious large skeletons on the map. But I did spot some curious features on the map that I wanted to check out. One of those areas turned out to be Goflam’s secret hot spring. It’s always nice to find a new location to be added to the map, but it wasn’t what I was looking for.
Next, I decided to check out a tiny, rectangular pond that I saw on the map. It seemed suspicious, but nothing jumped out at me once I got there. I used cryonis to make an ice pillar in it, and just looked around. I found a big snowball, which I rolled on the ground. To my surprise, it rolled over my pillar and down a hill, and ultimately smashed open a large doorway to a hidden cave!
As I got close, my Sheikah sensor indicated a shrine was inside. But that wasn’t all! A giant skeleton was also in here. Double jackpot!

I snapped a pic, completed the shrine, and then returned to the stable to collect my reward: 300 rupees. And more importantly, that completed a side quest off my list
After examining the map a bit more, I found two bridges between Hyrule Field and West Necluda that didn’t have names. That meant I hadn’t been there yet. So I headed there, and the first one was called Horwell Bridge.
There, I rescued a young woman named Leekah. She said she was going back to the stable…but I didn’t know of a stable nearby. That’s right, I missed another stable! I followed her to Riverside Stable. This makes me wonder how many other stables are out there that I still haven’t discovered after two years of playing?
A side quest opened up, but it was one that automatically completed (I just had to show the person a sword). I also found a guy named Gotter there, and he also had a new side quest for me: I have to find a cookbook in Hyrule Castle!
I still hadn’t beaten the game after acquiring all the memories, so that side quest gave me another reason to head to Hyrule Castle. And that’s what I did. I explored more thoroughly as I made my way up to the castle, although I didn’t find the cookbook anywhere.
One thing that I found interesting is how a guardian I defeated left its ancient gears behind in a nice, neat stack as it exploded. Like a stack of pizzas almost. Very impressive!

Here are my current stats:
- Completion percentage: 49.71%
- Shrines: 116/120
- Korok seeds: 312/900
- Shrine quests: 39/42
- Side quests: 72/77
- Hyrule Compendium: 358/385
And here is my latest Breath of the Wild video, Messing Around #5:
Anyway, I made my way to Ganon and beat the game again. Since I’ve beaten it after collecting all of Link’s memories, I got to see the “good” ending this time. I do have one final thought about the ending, but it contains a spoiler. So if you don’t want to see it, stop reading this entry now.
Okay, here is my spoiler-iffic thought about the ending. As you go through the game, you learn that each Champion (of the four divine beasts) actually died long ago and was only helping Link out in spirit form. Basically, their ghosts were helping Link.
I was fully expecting the same to be revealed about Zelda at the end, since there didn’t seem any confirmation that she still had a physical body any more. But even after seeing the good ending, that’s apparently not the case. She seems to be alive and well. I guess that’s a good thing, it’s just not what I expected.
See you next time!