When I left off in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, I was at Rito Village after completing the Wind Temple. After I finished speaking with everyone, I headed over to the Lucky Clover Gazette, where Penn and Traysi wanted me to work for the newspaper to uncover the latest news about Zelda. Penn, who reminds me a bit of Pete in Animal Crossing, is my new partner.
After that, I wanted to return to Lookout Landing, but I didn’t want to teleport. I followed the path (more or less) south and then back east. Along the way, I found a horn-playing guy stuck in a hole! His name was Eustus, and I had to get him (and his wagon) out of a hole as a side quest. I mean, side adventure, as this one is called. (Edit: There are still side quests too, but more involved requests are called side adventures.)
Ultrahand alone couldn’t lift the wagon high enough. Fortunately, there were extra supplies in the hole too: Fans, hot air balloons, fire-breathing dragon heads…you know, the usual stuff you find in a hole.
It was actually harder than it sounds. You need the wagon to soar up, but not too high or the landing would be hard. And you need it move forward too, not just straight up. I had several funny failed attempts, including one where it looked like I made it out…only to fall back in the hole at the last second.
But I did eventually complete it, albeit with a bit of a rough landing. The guy lived to toot his horn another day. That was a really fun side adventure, though!
After I solved another side adventure (by finding some missing goats near Tabantha Bridge Stable), Penn dropped in. He said he saw how I helped, and he’s going to report it in the newspaper. He even gave me 50 rupees for solving the story of the missing goats.
While exploring, I was slightly horrified when a tree started attacking me. I was not expecting that at all! But don’t worry, its bark is worse than its bite.
Near New Serenne Stable, I ran into Lady Impa. It’s good to see she’s still alive, and she’s now investigating geoglyphs. I even got to take a hot air balloon ride to check one out! Pretty cool!
After stopping at another shrine or two, I eventually made my way back to Lookout Landing. Josha and Robbie were discussing “The Depths,” and Robbie asked me to join him for a mission underground. So I went south of town and jumped into a deep chasm.
It’s very dark in the Depths, and you need brightbloom seeds to light the way. But it’s a really cool place; it’s like a whole other world! Tears of the Kingdom really has three levels to its world: Sky islands, the surface, the Depths underground.
I activated a lightroot, which lights up part of the Depths. It functions like a tower on the surface, providing more coverage on the map, and also allowing you to teleport there.
Robbie found a statue underground, and he wanted me to take a photo of it for Josha. But to do that, he had to show me how to use the camera function on my Purah Pad. That also unlocked the Hyrule Compendium, so now I’ll be taking photos of everything (and everyone).
Back in Lookout Landing, I found Hestu and I exchanged some Korok seeds for extra inventory slots. But believe it or not, I’ve been running out of bows more than weapons. I need to stock up on bows somewhere, if I can.
I went up to the Great Plateau and the Temple of Time, just for the memories of Breath of the Wild. But it’s not a place for beginners in this game. The enemies there were knocking me out, killing me in one hit. I’ll need to return here later, when I have more hearts and better armor.
I also encountered an enemy more horrifying than the guardians from Breath of the Wild. They had me running for my life up on the plateau! Yikes!
Never Stop… Playing?
Before, I mentioned I was enjoying the game but I wasn’t quite “addicted” just yet…that has changed. I don’t want to stop playing now! There are so many things I want to do, and so many places to explore. I’ve played over 20 hours so far, and that number is going to continue to rise quickly. I hope you’re all enjoying the game as much as I am!
By the way, if you haven’t seen my first Tears of the Kingdom video, Early Game Fails, here it is:
I’ve also made a video combining TotK voice clips with Animal Crossing gameplay, which you can see here.
See you next time!
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