April Fools

I’ve posted a number of silly April Fools’ Day pranks over the years, on my site and on social media. Since not everyone has seen all of them, I thought I’d compile many of them together on this page so you can see what you may have missed, and maybe get a laugh or smile out of it.

Keep in mind that this is not a complete list. Some things may have been lost to time, or just so minor that I didn’t keep a picture. But without further ado, here’s the list.

BOTW on Game Boy

In 2019 I made a video of a supposed Game Boy version of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I included my rhyming impressions of the game on-screen during the video:

Frogger Blogger

In 2016, I announced I was starting a new Frogger blog. Of course, there was only one entry, on April 1st, and it was hopping full of frog puns. Check it out here: Frogger Blogger.

Playing as an Animal

That same year, I also updated my New Leaf Face Guide to show what you’ll look like if you’re playing the game as an animal. πŸ˜‰ The guide is back to normal now, of course, but here’s a sample of what it looked like:

New Leaf face guide showing animal haircuits (April Fools).

QR Code Surprise

It looks like I went all out for April Fools’ Day in 2016, because I also made this lovely Animal Crossing pattern to use in New Leaf or Happy Home Designer. Just scan the QR code if you’d like to use it. πŸ˜‰

I also used that pattern as the path in my New Leaf town for one day only (April 1, 2016). If you really want to see it (without scanning the QR code), just click this link.

Pulling the Wool Over Your Eyes

In 2015, I put this two-headed sheep on my page for Animal Crossing QR Codes.

A fake QR code for a wool sweater, featuring a two-headed sheep (which is also fake--it's just two sheep facing opposite directions).

Jeff’s Volleyball Got Served

One year, I announced that JVGS now stood for Jeff’s Volleyball Got Served, and I was only going to review volleyball games. The page is still up at https://www.jvgs.net/volleyball.htm.

Other Name Changes

One year, I said JVGS stood for Jeff’s Vegetable Garden Site. I vaguely remember posting a picture of sweet potatoes, but I can’t seem to find it now. Another year, I said it was changing to Jeff Victoriously Grades Sushi. I linked to a page that just said “Yuck!” in huge letters. πŸ˜›

Changing the Logo

On multiple April Fools’ Days, I’ve changed the logo on the site and/or in the sidebar. Some years, I put it upside down…

JVGS upside down.

Other times, I’ve used something like this:

JVGS made of different letters: The J looks like a candy cane, the V is turned sideways, the G is yellow and leaning to the left, and the S is green and leaning to the right. There is a dot and a picture of an Animal Crossing net to represent the .net part of the address.

Sometimes I would also change my name and/or avatar on social media. This year, I used this as my name/avatar on Twitter:

A tweet by JVGS Jegg, with a Yoshi egg avatar.

Didn’t Quite Make It

I was originally planning to post this Super Mario 64 video (of Mario crawling through an entire level) on April Fools’ Day 2018. I ended up not posting it until months later, but I guess it’s the thought that counts? Oh maybe that doesn’t apply to April Fools’ Day. Oh well, here it is anyway. πŸ˜›

Peach ‘Stache

In 2021, Nintendo added some Mario items to Animal Crossing: New Horizons. There were four clothing items for Mario, Luigi, & Wario…but only three for Peach! Fortunately, my Peach patch added the item that Nintendo overlooked the first time. Better late than never! πŸ˜‰

Princess Peach 'stache

That’s all the April Fools pranks that I can remember (or have evidence of), although I know I’ve done others in the past. If you think of any others I’ve done, let me know and I may add it to this list!

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