Stardew Valley #8 – Summertime

Summertime has arrived in the world of Stardew Valley.

Summer, Day 1

I set up for the new season by preparing my fields for new crops. I planted some melon seeds I already owned, and then headed to Pierre’s for some other seeds. I only bought some tomato seeds and blueberry seeds for the time being, since I still have limited space in my backpack. It’s so berry annoying!

I spent my day foraging and just exploring to see what was new for summer. When I got back home, I saw some glowing orbs around my property. At first I thought they were ghosts or something, and then I realized they were just fireflies. 😛

Fireflies in Stardew Valley.

Summer, Day 2

Today I bought a few pepper seeds, wheat seeds, and radish seeds. I planted some of them on my farm, and then I went down to the beach to relax for a bit. I picked up some seashells while I was there, but I didn’t get much work done.

After I went to sleep, I heard a loud rumbling sound.

Summer, Day 3

As I started the day, a message informed me of some news: There had been an earthquake overnight! That explained the noise I heard. The first letter I received in summer was from Mayor Lewis. He wanted me to find his purple “shorts.” I’m not sure why “shorts” is in quotation marks, but this can’t be good. 😛

Journal: Mayor's Shorts. Mayor Lewis has lost his purple "shorts". He's asking you to find and return them... Discreetly.

At the community center, I donated a few items (a sweet pea, spice berry, and grape) to complete the summer foraging bundle. A new scroll was unlocked on the bulletin board.

I noticed that the boulders leading to the railroad (which I tried to blow up with a cherry bomb last time), were now gone! Apparently the earthquake cleared the rubble away, opening up a new path! (Seems a bit backwards, but I’m not complaining).

I followed the path, and found a bath house!

The abth house in Stardew Valley.

There are locker rooms and a spa. You can get into the water to refill your energy gauge! This place looks really well maintained for a place that was separated from all of humanity by a wall of boulders. 😛

In the spa in Stardew Valley.

The new path also led to a train station. But it didn’t look like the train was coming anytime soon.

The train station in Stardew Valley for Nintendo Switch.
Can I take the train to the Kalamari Desert?
Summer, Day 4

Today, I worked on clearing up some weeds, sticks, and rocks from my property. I also talked with some people, including the wizard, who I hadn’t visited in a while. I didn’t get much else done, though.

Summer, Day 5

I used my hoe to till the soil to make a fourth area to plant seeds. I put down some assorted summer seeds. I might as well use them while they’re in season.

Over at the mine, I worked my way down to level 20 for the first time. Not only did that unlock the level 20 elevator, but I also found this treasure chest. A steel smallsword was inside.

A treasure chest in the mine of Stardew Valley.

I hung out in the Stardrop Saloon in the evening, before heading home for the night.

Summer, Day 6

I went to the blacksmith’s place today, and I found Mayor Lewis inside. He said he was collecting Clint’s business tax. Uh-oh, do I owe tax too?

Clint processed three geodes for me, which I dug up in the mine yesterday. They contained slate, jagoite, and a thunder egg. The first two were new ones for me, so I donated them to the museum next door.

As I was walking through town, a notice appeared on-screen. It said “a train is passing through Stardew Valley.” But I was nowhere near the train station, so I didn’t bother trying to see it. Maybe another time.

BOTW #22 – 100th Shrine

When I resumed my game of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I decided to take a break from mindless exploring. Instead, I made an effort to complete some of the many shrine quests I had on my list.

So I found the one in the shadow of Gerudo Tower, the one near Jeddo Bridge where you have to shoot an arrow through two rings, the one where you have to ride a buck onto the altar on Rabia Plain, and the one in Horon Lagoon where you have to break rocks and sail on gusts of wind onto the altar. I also found a shrine based on some markings on a mountain up in the Gerudo Highlands.

I later took the path up to Goron City, and I found a shrine along the way. It was my 100th shrine completed. Only 20 more to go!

My 100th shrine in Breath of the Wild.

I met up with Picasso Pikango the artist in Goron City, and he gave me a hint as to where to find one of my remaining memories. I started climbing Death Mountain and began searching. It took me a while to find the right spot, but eventually, I found the spot and recovered the memory. I still have three more memories to go, though.

After that, I took a break from shrine-and-memory-hunting for a little “maintenance.” I added another weapon slot at Korok Forest, I bought an ancient bow at the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab (mainly for the Compendium), I enhanced a ton of clothing items at the Great Fairy Fountain, and I redeemed 12 spirit orbs for two heart containers and a stamina vessel.

After defeating some enemies near Aris Beach for a side quest, I then stopped to admire another beautiful sunrise.

The sunrise from Aris Beach.

I then went back to work on completing more shrine quests. I found the one where the sun shines through the heart of the Rito pillar to show the way. Then I went up to the Hebra Mountains to look around by the lone cedar tree. I’ve been there before, but never saw the huge bird I was supposed to see. But this time…I saw it. What a clever clue that was. 😉 It was quite satisfying to figure that one out.

After completing the shrine there, I decided to return to the Mirro Shaz shrine that I mentioned last month. I had a few sledgehammers (and similar weapons) on hand, so I gave that bonus puzzle another try. After several tries, I got it…but perhaps not the way it was intended. It ended up looking like a trick shot. I bounced the ball off of the blocks, then off a pillar, and it rolled into the altar.

The path of the ball.

My reward was a giant ancient core.

In the Faron Grasslands, I was able to track down a Moblin club. I needed it for Nebb, the weapon connoisseur. I took it to Hateno Village and beat him with it showed it to him.  He gave me 50 rupees for letting him see it.

Link beats the kid with a club?
You should have given me more rupees, you little brat.

I later showed him a duplex bow, a windcleaver, an ancient battle axe+, a frostspear, and an ancient short sword. (That last one had to be made at the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab). Nebb gave me some money for each one, and a diamond for the last one. Finally, that side quest was complete.

Next, I went to Gerudo Town. I learned that Barta was missing. She’s the one who was held prisoner in the Yiga Clan hideout before, and she was missing again. I was told she was in the desert to the southwest, so I headed that way.

But before I found Barta, I found something else much bigger: The Great Fairy Tera! I had to pay 10,000 rupees to get her to…bloom. I’ve now unlocked all four of the great fairies. It’s about time! 😛

The Great Fairy Tera in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

After she upgraded some of my clothing, I completed a nearby shrine. I then found Barta, and gave her a hearty durian. It rejuvenated her, and she headed back to town. I completed the side quest, and that also allowed me to get the thunder helm from Riju.

Since I was in the area, I also completed the sand seal racing quest, which opened up another shrine.

After that, I took a break from shrine quests (or so I thought) to just explore. But as I explored near Taran Pass, I just happened to find three altars…belonging to three giants who each wore an orb around their neck. This was part of the “Three Giant Brothers” shrine quest. I gave them all a wake-up call.

A sleeping Hinox in Zelda BOTW.

In nearby Lurelin Village, I went out to sea to find some sunken buried gems. It was an experience I’ll always treasure. Okay, not really. But it completed a side quest, and that works for me.

I wrapped up my session, and here are my latest stats:

Completion percentage: 37.79%
Photo memories: 9/12
Shrines: 106/120
Korok seeds: 203/900
Shrine quests: 33/42
Side quests: 55/77
Hyrule Compendium: 344/385

Even though I still have nine more shrine quests to complete, there are only two on my list. I guess there are some people I still need to talk to. Somewhere.

If you haven’t seen my latest Breath of the Wild video, Messing Around #3, here it is!

See you next time!

Stardew Valley #7 – End of Spring

I’ve finally returned to Stardew Valley for another play session.

Day 23

I got a letter in the mail telling me that the Flower Dance is tomorrow. I then went to work in the mine for the most of the day.

Day 24

I headed to the forest west of town for the Flower Dance today. I chatted briefly with everyone that was in attendance.

Haley, at the Flower Dance: I'm practicing my dance moves... It needs to be perfect.

Once I was ready, the mayor started the festivities. Six girls (wearing white dresses) and six guys were in the center, slowly wiggling dancing towards each other. It lasted about 35 seconds, and then the festival ended. It was cute, I suppose, but very underwhelming.

The spring Flower Dance in Stardew Valley for Nintendo Switch.

Day 25

Today, I took a home-grown cauliflower over to Jodi. Fulfilling her request completed a quest, and my reward was 350g…nice!

Jodi: Oh, that looks so delicious! Thank you, this is just what I wanted! It's going to be perfect for my yellow curry.

The blacksmith processed a geode of mine, and it contained a dwarvish helm.  I donated it to the museum, and that earned me some melon seeds as a reward. Then I worked in the mine until night fell.

Day 26

Robin sent me a letter today, telling me she can expand my house to include a kitchen. I would then be able to cook some food! Sounds nice, but I can’t even afford to expand my backpack again, let alone my house.

I worked in the mine once again, reaching level 10 for the first time. That unlocked the elevator there, so I can quickly jump back down to this level again next time.

Back at my farm, I cleaned up my property a bit before sleeping for the night.

Day 27

The blacksmith processed two more geodes of mine, and they contained some malachite and celestine. Both of those were new to me, so I donated them to the museum. I got another new reward, a standing geode. It’s furniture, so I put it in my house. It doesn’t seem to do anything though, so it’s kind of a bore.

The standing geode in my Stardew Valley house.

Day 28

I went up to the community center today and donated some items. I was able to complete the spring crops bundle, which unlocked another scroll in the boiler room.

Down in the mine, I reached level 15…unlocking another elevator stop. I still need to get down to level 40 so that I can complete a quest that I got early on in the game. 😛

Since I found some cherry bombs, I tried to blow up a wall that supposedly leads to the railroad. It didn’t work, however. Maybe I’ve been playing too much Zelda, the way I’m thinking bombs are always the answer. 😉

A cherry bomb explosion in Stardew Valley for Nintendo Switch.
Blowing stuff up is a blast.

After that, I returned home, shipped a bunch of stuff, and went to bed. And with that, that (finally) completes my first spring in Stardew Valley. Summer will arrive the next time I play, although I’m not sure when exactly that will be. 😛

If you’re a fan of the music in Stardew Valley, Amazon has the original soundtrack available. See you next time!