Superfly DX

A while back, I saw a video of a homebrew game for the Atari Jaguar CD called Superfly DX. It’s a simple game, but it looked pretty good (especially for a homebrew). The developers offer the game free as a download (which you can burn to a CD). So I had downloaded the file, but I never burned it onto a CD. Until today.

So I gave it a try. You play as a superhero (or at least a guy wearing a cape) who flies or swims from left to right as the screen constantly scrolls. The game only requires one button to play. And I don’t mean the directional pad plus one button, I mean only one button. Pressing the B button makes you go up by a little bit. Gravity then pulls you back down of course, so you have to strike the right balance to keep from hitting the cavern walls above or below you.

Superfly DX Jaguar screenshotIn some modes, you have to collect objects (such as stars) as you go, but other modes have you just trying to survive as long as you can. The game seems to be just a score-based game at first, but a story mode can also be unlocked. There are four worlds, but so far I’ve only seen the first two–the underwater world and the lava world.

Superfly DX Jaguar screenshot - lava worldSuperfly DX has good music and it’s surprisingly fun to play. It’s honestly better than a lot of the professionally-made, retail games released on the system. I’ll be playing this game more in the coming days, and you can expect a review in the near future. If you’re interested, the developers’ site is at

UPDATE: My Superfly DX review has since been posted, and here is a video to give you a better sense of what the gameplay is like.

The Typing of the Dead

Tonight I started playing The Typing of the Dead for Sega Dreamcast. I actually got the game two years ago and played it some at the time, but I didn’t beat it. It got put away and I hadn’t played it for a while…until tonight.

If you don’t know what the game is, it’s based on House of the Dead 2. But you don’t use guns or even a regular controller; you use the Dreamcast keyboard. To shoot at enemies, you type the words, phrases, or sentences that pop up on-screen. Type fast enough and you’ll kill the zombies and advance. Too slow and you’ll be dead meat. It is an odd combination for sure.

Well, I had a problem when I first tried playing tonight. The Dreamcast didn’t seem to recognize my keyboard! Even though I hadn’t used it in two years, I kept it in its original box safe and sound. I started to disassemble the keyboard to see if anything was obviously wrong, and before I was done, I started up the Dreamcast again. This time, it recognized the keyboard and started up normally. So I put the screws back in the keyboard. But then it didn’t recognize it again! Ugh! So I just turned the system off and on a couple times and then it worked again.

The Typing of the Dead - Sega Dreamcast screenshotI played the arcade mode, which has six levels. I actually got to the boss of the fifth level, which is pretty good for not playing it in so long. I guess I’m a fairly good typist, but I’m going to have to improve some more if I’m going to beat the game.

The game does have other modes besides the arcade mode though, so I’ll be giving them all a try in the coming days.

Finished Sonic Adventure

Tonight I finished Sonic Adventure for Sega Dreamcast.

Sonic Adventure - endingI certainly didn’t get 100% of all the emblems, but I’m not trying to, either. I usually only try for 100% of everything on games that I really love. Sonic Adventure is good, but not great. It has some awkward camera problems, where the camera can even get stuck beneath the floor that you’re standing on! And some of the characters seem completely useless…I’m looking at you, Big the Cat.

I’ll be writing my review for the game soon, but I’m probably not going to upload it immediately. Since the Dreamcast section of JVGS will be new, I’d like to launch it with more than just one review. Ideally, I’d have three, but I may just launch it after I get two reviews. The next game I’m going to work on will probably be The Typing of the Dead…even if it is a bit late for Halloween.

That’s all for now.