Mario Kart 8 – DLC Pack #2 Impressions

Mario Kart 8 received a new update today, which takes the game to version 4.0 and adds a speedy 200cc mode. The long-awaited DLC Pack #2 also became available today, featuring eight new tracks in two cups, three new characters (Villager, Isabelle, and Dry Bowser), and four new vehicles. The new tracks are the main attraction of course, so I’m going to give my first impressions of each of them.
Crossing Cup

mk8-crosscupThe first track of the Crossing Cup is GCN Baby Park, from Mario Kart: Double Dash on GameCube. Set in an amusement park, it features a small oval track. The track is quite short, but races consist of a whopping seven laps. I wonder why they can’t make SNES tracks with five laps as they were originally intended, yet this one can get seven laps. It’s a pretty fun and frantic course, though. Even if you get way out in front, you still have to deal with other drivers as you lap them, thanks to the short track. It takes place entirely in anti-gravity mode.

Next up is GBA Cheese Land, a retro course from Mario Kart: Super Circuit. The track is made out of cheese, including cheese craters–do some tricks for a speed boost as you jump out of them. There are a couple of chain chomps here, one of which can reach across almost the entire width of the track. About two-thirds of the track takes place in anti-gravity mode. This may be my least favorite of the eight tracks in this DLC pack.

The third track is a new course called Wild Woods. This cool course takes you through a forest, where sunbeams shine through the treetops. You’ll ride on a boardwalk through a village of Shy Guy homes before going down a river, Koopa Cape style. You then cross a pond by racing across lily pads before another boardwalk takes you to the finish line. It’s a beautiful and enjoyable course.

The Crossing Cup wraps up with the Animal Crossing track. It features many characters and sites from the Animal Crossing series, including power-up boxes that are held up by balloons (like the balloon presents in Animal Crossing) and Resetti pops up out of the ground like the Monty Moles in SNES Donut Plains 3. Since I’m a big Animal Crossing fan, I decided to make a video just exploring the track for a while to see some of the details (such as K.K. Slider singing and watching the train cross a bridge). Here is the video: (view on Youtube)

The Animal Crossing track takes place in different season each time you play (unless you play the Time Trial, which will always be summer). Each season has its own look: Winter has snow, snowmen, and northern lights; autumn has piles of leaves you can drive through; spring has pink cherry blossom petals falling down; and summer has green grass and sunny skies. I think the winter season is especially gorgeous. I made a video showing one lap of each season to give you a taste of what it’s like. (view on Youtube)

Bell Cup

mk8-bellcupThe Bell Cup starts off with 3DS Neo Bowser City. The neon-filled city is quite appealing visually, and you race in some fairly heavy rain as well. There is a short anti-gravity section towards the end of each lap. This is one of my favorite tracks in DLC Pack #2.

GBA Ribbon Road is next; it takes place on a miniature track in a child’s bedroom, oddly enough. Some mechanical wind-up Koopa toys are on the track as obstacles to avoid. True to its name, the course takes place on a ribbon track, and in certain parts, the track undulates in the breeze.

Super Bell Subway naturally takes place in a subway station (and on the tracks). You’ll actually drive alongside trains at some points. All in all, it’s a pretty cool track.

The Bell Cup ends with Big Blue, based on the F-Zero franchise. This anti-gravity course has some Toad Factory-style conveyor belts, which can speed you up or slow you down, depending on which one you’re on. The track doesn’t have an overabundance of speed boosts like the Mute City track from DLC Pack #1, so it lacks the extreme speed that made Mute City really feel like F-Zero. Big Blue isn’t a bad track, but it is a bit disappointing in comparison.

200cc Mode

Even if you haven’t bought the DLC packs, a free update brings a 200cc mode that you can enjoy. The 200cc races are fast…very fast. Some tracks are a lot more fun with the extra speed. However, the extra speed makes it hard to control your vehicle (and/or stay on the tracks) on some courses. Even vehicles with tight controls can have trouble making it around corners at that speed. It may take some practice (or even some braking?!) to keep things manageable. But the 200cc definitely makes for some wild, frantic races.

I’ll be uploading more videos of Mario Kart 8, so subscribe to my Youtube channel if you don’t want to miss them. Or if you don’t have the game yet, you can still buy Mario Kart 8 at or elsewhere. Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you all next time!


Animal Crossing Plaza – Wii U

In today’s Nintendo Direct video, Nintendo announced Animal Crossing Plaza. It’s a free eShop download for Wii U that is much like the WaraWara plaza, but instead of Miis, the plaza is populated with Animal Crossing characters.

Download Animal Crossing PlazaFrom here, you can access a new Animal Crossing news community on Miiverse, where you can post about the Animal Crossing games and view others’ comments as well. For unknown reasons, the Animal Crossing Plaza will only be available through the end of 2014. Here is a video showing what it’s like. At the end of the video, I take a look at the new Animal Crossing message boards on Miiverse as well.

You can set up your profile to display your Animal Crossing New Leaf name, town, and dream address. You can also choose your favorite character to represent yourself. Unfortunately, not all of the characters will be in the plaza every time, so you may need to load up the plaza several times before you’re able to find your favorite. You can also upload your pictures taken in ACNL by putting your 3DS SD card into your Wii U, and attach those pictures to messages you post. Here, I posted about how I was happy when the character Katt moved out of my town, and I attached a picture I took of me dancing in her house.

acplaza-kattWhile the plaza is essentially just a glorified message board, it’s definitely something Animal Crossing fans will want to check out and enjoy. And it’s a free download, so why not?

Animal Crossing Plaza screenshotAnimal Crossing fans, also remember to check out Jeff’s New Leaf Blog, which I update regularly. And if you’d like to follow me on Miiverse, my Nintendo Network ID is jvgsjeff.

UPDATE: I just wanted to mention that since this blog entry was written, Nintendo has added the ability to register your town residents. This way, they will appear every time you load up the plaza. Pretty cool.

Scribblenauts User Creations

Here I’m going to show off some objects that have been created in Scribblenauts Unlimited for Wii U. Some of these are things I’ve made myself and some are from other people. First off is the Animal Crossing characters: Four I made myself and two others made by bobboy6:

Animal Crossing characters created in Scribblenauts UnlimitedShown above:

  • Bob by jvgsjeff
  • Gaston by jvgsjeff
  • Jambette by jvgsjeff
  • Tom Nook by jvgsjeff
  • Tortimer by bobboy6
  • Pete by bobboy6

One cool thing about Pete, is that he will drop a package when you walk by him, as if he’s delivering it to you. If you open it up, you’ll find a figurine inside.

The next one is the Bluths’ staircar from Arrested Development, which I created:

The Bluths' staircar (from Arrested Development) in Scribblenauts Unlimited And in this picture, there are two items from nick-kun and two from pikachu33.

User creations in Scribblenauts UnlimitedShown above:

  • loveosaur by nick-kun
  • Moon Sword by nick-kun
  • cat-horse by pikachu33
  • motor cat-dog by pikachu33

The loveosaur shoots out Cupid arrows and the Moon Sword is from Avatar. Pikachu33’s two creations are some funny animal hybrids. You gotta love seeing people making creative items and creatures like these.

UPDATE: Here are three Arrested Development characters–Buster Bluth, Tobias Funke, and Franklin D. Bluth. They were all created by Middles:

Arrested Development characters in Scribblenauts Unlimited All of the items listed here are available online, so you can download them for yourself if you’d like.

Buy Scribblenauts Unlimited at