The North American Splatfest is underway today (from midnight to midnight, Eastern Standard Time). The teams are holiday themed, where you can choose to be naughty or nice. I’ve chosen the “nice” team, and I’ll be providing updates on my progress throughout the day on my quest to reach the rank of “Nice King.” As corny as that sounds.
The maps for this Splatfest are Urchin Underpass, Flounder Heights, and Mahi-Mahi Resort. Flounder Heights is one of my top-5 favorite maps, while Urchin Underpass is alright, and I still haven’t played enough of Mahi-Mahi Resort to form a strong opinion either way.
Team Nice Update #1: I’m using my Aerospray RG, at least for now. I started out with 10 matches, with my “Nice” team winning five and losing five. Even though I haven’t had any disconnections in-match, I have been repeatedly disconnected between matches. It’s hard to go on a nice run when you keep getting separated from your better teammates.
I’ve made it up to the rank of Nice Defender. But I’m not optimistic about Team Nice’s chances for one reason: I was the leading player on my team for all ten of the matches I’ve played so far. If I’m the best player every time, we’re in serious trouble! Still, ten matches is a very small sample size. I’ll update this again soon though, so keep checking back!
Team Nice Update #2: My second attempt at Splatfest didn’t start out very well. My team lost the first three matches I played, and five of the first six. But then, my luck seemed to change a bit. I ended up getting more help from my teammates–I even had a level-50 player on my team for a couple of rounds. Prior to that, I had been getting lots of teammates with ratings in the teens/20s.
My teams ended up winning five matches in a row. Although, there was a disconnection in the middle of that run, so it wasn’t the same team throughout. After the streak ended with a loss, I called it a night. I finished this session with six wins and six losses. In total, my record to this point is 11-11. Still too close to call. If you’re keeping track of your wins and losses, please leave a comment!
My ranking is still a Nice Defender, but I have 42 of the 50 points I need to become a Nice Champion. I’ll be back with another update in the late afternoon or early evening. Whether you’re naughty or nice, I hope your Splatfest is going well!
Team Nice Update #3: I gave Splatfest another go this afternoon, and it didn’t go well. I was often put with lower-ranked players (with levels in single digits or teens) and I was often put against significantly higher-ranked opponents. The matchmaking in this game really sucks sometimes, especially during Splatfest.
I started a total of 17 matches: I had 4 wins, 9 losses, and 4 disconnections. The disconnections were especially frustrating, because my team had large, late leads in two of them (the other two were early/close).
I noticed a few of my matches were against other “Nice” teams. So I expect the nice team to win the popularity vote, but I predict the naughty team will win overall.
I raised my rank up to “Nice Champion,” and I have 30 of the 99 upgrade points needed to reach Nice King. I’ll probably give it one more try later this evening.
Team Nice Update #4: After losing my first match of this session, I decided to switch from the Aerospray RG to the N-Zap 89. Even though that may hurt my ink totals, I figured it would allow me to be a bit more lethal at splatting people (not that I’m good at that anyway). I still lost the next two matches though, and I was considering giving up my plan of becoming Nice King.
And then it happened. I ended up with two level-30+ players on my team for a change, and we won. Two of the players left, but two level-40+ players joined in. For once, we had a superteam! Soybean, Pon, Alex, and I stuck together and won several matches in a row. Some of the players started to come and go…I even got disconnected once…but I was on a roll. My teams won a whopping fourteen matches in a row!
The 13th win earned me the title of Nice King, but I played one more match (so that people could see my king title before I retired to my throne, haha). So this session netted me 14 wins and 3 losses. My overall grand total (not counting disconnections) was 29-23. Still relatively close…but I still have a hunch that Team Naughty is going to win overall. I’ll be back a bit later with the final results.
FINAL RESULTS: Nice Squids Finish Last
Team Nice won the popularity, 59% to 41%. But Team Naughty won 59% of the battles. And winning counts for six times as much as popularity, so Team Naughty is a big winner. I guess Santa won’t have many presents to deliver this year, with so many naughty squids out there.
I ended up scoring 18 super sea snails for earning the rank of Nice King. I hope you all enjoyed the Splatfest!