Joy - Jeff's Dream Suite Adventures


(no longer online)

Mayor: Annie
Date of Visit: June 29, 2015
Villagers: Keaton, Grizzly, Peck, Aurora, Cally, Merry, Purrl, Shari, Vladimir, Molly
Previous Dream Addresses: 5600-3965-9382, 5600-2591-4388, 4F00-0011-2BFE
As soon as I arrived in the dream town of Joy, I noticed some clothes laid out by the town tree. For the ladies, there's a blue party dress and a floppy hat. If you're not into dresses, you can put on a cafe uniform and top hat.

Just north of the event plaza, I found snow on the ground! It's a snow pattern of course, but this appears to the winter section of town. There's even a tree farm! Borrow an axe from Lloid and you can cut down your own Christmas tree!

There's a gingerbread house belonging to Noel, and a Santa face-cutout standee! Ho ho ho!

In fact, this is the north pole!

The room on the left is a party room with lots of food, balloons, and other festive decorations. A great place to bring in the new year!

In the back room, you can find snowballs on sale for 10 cents each. They'd be great for a snowball fight, although some kids in here have chosen to build a snowman. If you get too cold, take a break and warm up by the fire!

Mrs. Claus seems to be baking some goodies in the kitchen! I also love the wreath pattern wallpaper!

Upstairs, I found Santa's face on...everything! This must be his bedroom. I don't know who else would want to sleep on his face.

In the basement, I found the toy workshop! But I couldn't find any sign of Herbie, to tell the tooth.

Back outside, I walked out onto an ice rink. Great place to go skating.

I ran across Snow White's house a bit to the south. There's also a Snow White faceboard.

Inside, I found Snow White herself...along with a dinner table and eight chairs. That's enough for Snow White and precisely seven dwarves. I also noticed a basket of apples, but I think I'll pass on them.

Snow White has her own bedroom, while the dwarves sleep upstairs. I love the color-coded beds! But why are they awake? I'm sure at least one of them must be Sleepy! Maybe they're just feeling bashful since I'm here examining their house. Sorry guys!

Snow White's lemonade stand was just outside. Only 10 cents? I'll take three, please!

In the eastern part of town, I found Cinderella's castle.

Inside, I attended her wedding to Prince Charming! No evil step-sisters were invited.

The room on the left is the royal ballroom. The musicians all seem to be gyroids!

A bedroom is upstairs. Bruno's doghouse is in here; there's also a pumpkin that used to be Cinderella's carriage.

Last but not least, I ran into the mayor herself. Not to be mean, but she's a bit of a witch.

Her house has a spooky theme of course, and the back room is a graveyard! Yikes!

Downstairs, there's a Halloween party for the kids (and dolls).

Upstairs, there's a monster party for the adults.

The beach is completely covered in hybrid flowers; there doesn't seem to be a single bare spot. If you love running through flowers, this is the place to do it! (Just don't let the witch catch you!)

Joy is a completely amazing town. The themed areas are impeccable, and it's a lot of fun to see all of the details. I'm sure it took Annie an incredible amount of time and effort to make this town. I highly recommend giving it a visit. Note: This Dream Suite Adventure was from the town's original dream address (5600-2591-4388). The current dream address is 4F00-0011-2BFE, and it's even better now! Be sure to give it a visit!

Feel free to leave a comment below and take a look at my other dream adventures too!

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TheDreamer · June 22, 2017

I saw the dolly from Aika village

owen · Apr 9, 2017

go to my town today if you want a peinguin my gate is open must have a updated verson of animal crossing new leaf must have animal crossing new leaf welcome ambio

Nicki · Jan 29, 2017

I visited Joy and i was blown away it's so pretty and you can see how much effort they put in it!

Finlay · Dec 7, 2016

If you ever met me you'd know I am obsessed with Disney so this town is one f my favourites :P

keegan · Sept 18, 2016

hey i want 7/11 stuff plz if u have if u will come to my town

Dragon · July 29, 2016

Damn. I wish I could make towns that good! My town's junk XD

warcraftz · Apr 8, 2017

mine is to but if you tell me your dream address i will give you mine or freind code

Anonymous · Mar 18, 2016

I went to this town and it was absolutely breathtaking

Jaylacrossing101 · Oct 24, 2015

I went to this town, and it was, to be fair, enchanting! I pretended I a princess moving into a fairytale town. It was fantastic

anonymous boy · Aug 26, 2015

I like this town

Animalcrossing new leaf fan · Aug 18, 2015

Oops! My Anonymous name was a mistake! Is was really my normal name; Animalcrossing new leaf fan! Oops!

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