Animal Crossing GameCube Harvest Festival Guide

Franklin: Then there's the banquet table! Nothing but side dishes! What's that big, empty platter for? Huh? Huh?

About the Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival is a holiday event in Animal Crossing. Mayor Tortimer joins several of your villagers for the party at the wishing well. There's a festive atmosphere, with villagers seated at three tables. Villagers laugh, drink their beverages, and have a good time. It sure looks like fun! And if it's your first time attending the event, Tortimer will give you a corncucopia.

Tortimer: I have a little something just for you, Jeff. It's my way of getting you excited for the festival!

Here's a look at the cornucopia:

Standing next to the cornucopia I got from Tortimer.

When Is the Harvest Festival?

The Harvest Festivals takes place on Thanksgiving Day (in the U.S.), which is the 4th Thursday of November. The date varies each year, so check the date chart below. The event starts at 3 p.m. and lasts until 9 p.m.

2023:November 23
2024:November 28
2025:November 27
2026:November 26
2027:November 25
2028:November 23
2029:November 22
2030:November 28

How It Works

Franklin the turkey is afraid that you and the other villagers are going to eat him at the feast. To ease his fears, your job is to swipe the knife and fork from the banquet table, and then deliver them to him.

The silverware (knife and fork) at the banquet table.

Just press the B button to swipe the silverware from the table.

Franklin will be hiding somewhere in town, generally behind a tree or a building. If you give him the silverware, he will reward you with a piece of harvest furniture. Note that each time you talk to him, he will leave his current hiding spot and go somewhere else.

Franklin: Here... It's not much, but I'd like you to have this harvest mirror. I hope you like it

You'll then need to pick up another set of silverware at the party before you look for Franklin again.

Getting Hints

When you speak to villagers that aren't at the party, there's a chance they may give you a hint as to Franklin's location. They will generally tell you an acre number or letter, which corresponds to a row or a column on the town map. If you're not sure, just consult your own map by pressing the X button. (No silverware is required to get a hint, unlike in City Folk.)

Hank: I saw this crazy dude somewhere in acre 5.

Less Stress

Compared to the chaos of the Halloween festivities, the Harvest Festival is a fairly stress-free event (although Franklin would certainly disagree). There's no one chasing you, no candy to keep track of, and nobody will destroy any of your items like they can on Halloween. You do need to keep restocking your knife and fork after each time you find Franklin, but the event is more chill. And the party at the wishing well is, well, a fun place to be.

Harvest Furniture

There are ten furniture items, one carpet, and one wallpaper you can obtain during the festival. Give Franklin the knife and fork 12 times to collect the entire set. If you want duplicates to sell, you can continue the process as long as you like (or at least until the event ends at 9 p.m.). Here is a list of all the items you can obtain from Franklin, and the price that Tom Nook will pay for each.
harvest bed3,333 bells
harvest bureau3,333 bells
harvest chair3,333 bells
harvest clock3,333 bells
harvest dresser3,333 bells
harvest lamp3,333 bells
harvest mirror3,333 bells
harvest sofa3,333 bells
harvest table3,333 bells
harvest TV3,333 bells
harvest rug1,200 bells
harvest wall1,200 bells
The complete harvest furniture set acquired from Franklin during the Harvest Festival.

Good Luck!

The Harvest Festival on GameCube is my favorite version of this event, and I hope you enjoy it as well. Good luck getting the harvest furniture set! And if you celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving!

Want to see a gameplay video of the harvest festival?

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