Inkwell’s Pic, For Keeps!

Today, I started up the game to find that the snow has all melted away! The grass is green once again. Yay for spring!

Green grass returns as the snow has finally melted!

I’m also just realizing that I never changed my bricks to ice bricks for winter. Oops. 😆 Well, at least that means I don’t have to change them back. 😛

Next to the town tree, Inkwell asked me for some furniture. He said anything would do.

Inkwell: I want some new furniture now!

But I didn’t have any furniture on me, except for a balloon dresser I shot down from a balloon. I could only imagine he’d be as disappointed with balloon furniture as I would be. 😛 So I went to Harv’s campground, and bought some cornstalks instead.

Harvey: Ah! So you're interested in my cornstalks...

I took them over to Inkwell, and he loved them. In fact, he rewarded me with his picture!!

Inkwell: This Inkwell's pic ought to work for you, beefcake! Thanks a bunch for your help!

If you’ve read this blog for a while, you may remember that I (briefly) had his photo before, last year. But my game crashed during a game of Desert Island Escape, so I lost it. It was like it never happened at all. While I’m glad to have finally earned it once again, I noticed quite a coincidence…

I have a spreadsheet where I list the villager photos I’ve earned, along with the dates I got them. As I entered Inkwell’s pic into my spreadsheet, I ran across a note that I made last year. As it turns out, the first time I got his pic was on February 25th, 2024. Today is February 25th, 2025. So it’s been exactly one year to the date! Does Inkwell only give out his pic on February 25ths? 😆

At any rate, I’m relieved to have his photo now. And I saved my game immediately after, so it’s safe and secure. 😛 I put it on display in my house, and Inkwell’s favorite quote is “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Jeremiah's pic and Inkwell's pic stare over my shoulders.

But before I could escape my house, a villager came over to visit. (It was Boots this time.) That’s one thing I hate about the newer Animal Crossing games. You can’t even use your house for more than a minute or two without someone showing up.

Boots; How about we turn your place into a gym?
How about no?

I spoke to Boots a few times, and he gave me a moth orchid before (eventually) leaving.

Anyway, Cube is now the only one of my current villagers whose photo I still need. Hopefully I can earn it sometime soon.

Just as a reminder, Festivale is coming up next Monday, March 3rd! For more information, check out my Festivale Guide.

~Notice~ This year's Festivale is next week on March 3rd! It's almost here, so just wait a little longer and then get ready to celebrate in style!

See you all in March! Have a Happy Festivale!

Sweet Mama Bear

On February 6th, I found a lost item (a bag) on the ground. I returned it to Boots, and he said it was a bag of sand!

Boots: seems a little lighter than it was before. I had a bunch of sand in it for weight training.

He said it felt lighter than it was before, so he wonders if someone grabbed a handful of sand and ran off! Why would anyone do that? We have a whole beach full of sand in walking distance from anywhere in town.

Boots: Do you think someone could have grabbed a handful and run off?

But he still thanked me for returning the bag, and he rewarded me with a lotus tee.

In the mail, I found a letter from Nintendo with a Flower Fairy dress attached. It was a reward for playing Animal Crossing Puzzle League last month. I must’ve met some goal or other criteria without realizing it.

Last Friday (February 14th), Jeremiah told me that he was going to leave town on the 16th! I made him change his mind, but that was another close call!

Jeremiah: I'm leaving on the 16th of this month!
Not this time, you’re not.

Since it was Valentine’s Day, I went to the Roost to get a special cup of hot chocolate from Brewster. Such a sweet treat!

This must chocolate!

I also had some Valentine’s Day letters in the mail. Isabelle sent me a chocolate cake, Lolly sent me a chocolate heart, and Mom sent me a comfy sweater. Of those three, the sweater tasted the worst.

Yesterday (Tuesday), I found a lost glove on the ground near my eastern ramp. I later returned it to its owner, Rolf. It’s such a big glove that I should’ve known it was his! 😉

...I wonder if someone dropped this. Maybe I should look for the owner and return it?

He thanked me for returning it, and he rewarded me with his Mama bear.

Rolf: As a token of my thanks, here. Take my Mama bear with you! On Toy Day!

I later rolled up two snowballs to make my first Snowmam of the winter.

Snowmam: Oh my! I wonder who made this perfectly sculpted figure of mine!

She was perfect, so she only needed three snowflakes for an item. I had two in my pockets already, so I quickly caught a third one. She gave me an ice floor for the trio of snowflakes, and I promptly sold it at Re-Tail for 8,888 bells.

Hornsby surprised me by telling me he’s been looking for a sweet Mama bear. I’m almost afraid to ask what that means! 😉 But he offered me 400 bells for it, and I agreed to the exchange.

Hornsby: You might not know this, but I've been on the hunt for a sweet Mama bear.
Don’t worry about buying her dinner. She’s already stuffed.

Today, I shot down a balloon present and found an IV drip inside! I guess my blood pressure was sky high, but then it dropped like a rock. But I don’t need the IV drip, so I just sold it…for the cash flow. 😉 Sorry about the puns, but don’t worry: I don’t have any more up my sleeve. 😉

I saw a very large fish shadow in the river, and I fished out a stringfish!

Jeff, holding a stringfish: OH MY GOSH!

The funny thing is, Mira actually asked me for a stringfish earlier in the day, but I told her no. I thought the odds of me catching one today were slim. You don’t think Mira knew I’d catch one, do you? Maybe she saw it in her magic mirror! “Mira, Mira, on the wall…😆 But it’s okay, I’d rather sell it anyway.

I listened in on a conversation between Jeremiah and Hornsby, and they were talking about food. (It seems that Inkwell was also listening in.) 😆

Jeremiah: One thing that keeps me up at night is thinking about all the delicious foods I've never even heard of.

Hornsby said that skyscraper windows are made of jelly, and Jeremiah knew it was true because he heard it on TV.

Hornsby: I heard that skyscraper windows are actually made of jelly. That's why they bend without breaking.

They also said that horchata runs through city pipes, and streetlights are made of lemon drops.

Jeremiah: That show also said the streetlights are made of lemon drops!

I don’t know what TV show they were watching, but I’m pretty sure they were sugar-coating the truth.

I caught a few more snowflakes tonight, and I exchanged three of them for an ice dresser. But fortunately, winter is finally winding down! The snow will be gone by next Tuesday, and I’ll be back at some point next week with another entry. Hope to see you then!

Penguin Birthdays

On January 9th, Lolly watched intently as I caught a big stringfish. Sorry kitty, but I can’t let you have this. 😆

Jeff, holding a stringfish as Lolly looks on: OH MY GOSH!

On Sunday (January 26th), Inkwell told me that he recently let a pill bug get away, and he was still mad about it.

Inkwell: I let another one get away, and I'm still steamed about it! Pill bug!

How the heck did a pill bug manage to outrun him? They’re one of the slowest bugs in the game. 😆 He asked me to catch one for him, and I did just that. He rewarded me with a heart tee.

Inkwell: Ha ha! A heart tee!
I feel like he’s laughing at me and my never-ending quest to earn his photo. I’m reading his “Ha ha” in Nelson Muntz’s voice.

Monday was Aurora’s birthday, so I headed over to her house for her party. It was just so dark in there, even though it wasn’t very late yet!

Aurora's birthday party, with Inkwell and Jeff in attendance.

I gave her a juicy-apple clock for a birthday gift, and she seemed to enjoy it.

Aurora: Ooh, a juicy-apple clock. How thoughtful of you. Thanks!

Inkwell was also at the party, and he said he just did a triple axel off a chair before I got there. Suuuuure you did, Inkwell. 😛

Inkwell: You totally missed my awesome birthday dance! I did a triple axel off a chair!

I was having an unlucky day, so I fell a few times when I was running. Unfortunately, I didn’t time any photos perfectly enough, but here you can see me starting to get back up after falling. It still looks pretty odd, though! Almost like I’m a zombie with my arms hanging to the ground. 😆

Me standing up after a fall.

At the museum, I had an intimidating encounter with Boots! Of course, his greeting and catchphrase made things sound worse than they really were.

Boots: I'll eat you!! Fancy meetin' you here, bud! In a swamp!

I’m happy to report he did not eat me.

Today, another villager had a birthday: Cube! I headed over to his party, where I also found Aurora. It’s another penguin party! I gave Cube a Fire Bar that I got from a fortune cookie at the Emporium.

Cube: A Fire Bar?! Whoa! I did NOT expect this.
This should heat things up. 🔥

Of course, I’m just now realizing that flaming balls of fire are probably not the best thing to give a penguin. Well, at least he doesn’t live in an igloo. 😛

Today (January 29th) is National Puzzle Day, so I went home and played a few games of Animal Crossing Puzzle League to celebrate. 🧩

It's a New Nintendo 3DS! Do you want to play some Animal Crossing Puzzle League?
I sure do!
Animal Crossing Puzzle League

I’ll see you next time! Never Stop Crossing!