Today, I decided to try making a pattern for the first time in New Leaf. I made my JVGS logo. One nice thing is that you can hang a pattern directly on the wall if you’d like.
I then went outside to check on my cherry trees that I planted yesterday. Good news! It looks like all three of them are going to survive! I’ll soon have some foreign fruit trees in Forest. That will help me earn more money.
At town hall, I displayed my JVGS pattern as my flag.
While walking around, I saw Gabi out fishing.
And down on the beach, I saw a familiar face…Gulliver!
He shared some puns with me.
And then he makes a reference to Earthbound, by mentioning fuzzy pickles. For those who don’t know, the cameraman in Earthbound would tell Ness and friends to say “fuzzy pickles” as he was taking a picture.
Although you don’t have to shoot down a UFO in New Leaf, you still have to work for Gulliver’s gift. He gave me some clues, mentioning animals such as giraffes, and then asked me which country he was talking about. He was talking about African animals, so Kenya was the correct choice.
But he didn’t give me the gift just yet. He said he’ll send it to me, although it might take a while.
As I returned up the ramp to town, I saw a construction site. Katt will be moving in tomorrow. A web search reveals that Katt is a cat…a very ugly cat.
In the Able Sisters, I bought the clown mask to look like a jester.
I also stopped by my town tree and saw that it’s growing quite nicely.
Yuka asked me to catch a roach for her. I told her no.
And then I was informed that a villager wanted to move out. Of course, it was Aurora, my favorite villager! Why her?
I told her not to leave, and fortunately, she agreed to stay.
I then went to the island to do some fishing so I could earn some money. Oh look, a new type of fish, a giant trevally!
I then caught a dab, or so I thought…
But the game was just psyching me out! It’s an olive flounder.
I already had trouble telling those two fish apart, so you’re really not helping me, Nintendo.
Shortly after that, I caught my first shark! It was a saw shark.
When I had enough fish, I returned to Forest. I stopped at the museum to donate my new catches, and then sold the rest. I earned enough money to pay off the bridge!
My last task of the day was to return to town hall. I talked to my assistant Isabelle, and she confirmed that my bridge would be completed tomorrow! Great!
That’s all for now. But please come back tomorrow night for another update. Have a good weekend, everyone!