Late last night, I played some more New Leaf. I stopped into town hall and I caught Isabelle sleeping on the job!
But it’s not a problem at all, because in her dream, she was told to build a Dream Suite that lets people visit other people’s towns, even when they’re not online! So that got added to the list of projects I can choose from! Suite! I mean, sweet!
This is something I definitely want, so I made this the current project right away. It may take me a while to earn all the bells it requires, but I’m going to work on it!
By the way, my cherry trees are now producing fruit. I sold 8 of the 9 cherries and planted the other one.
I then made a late-night trip to the island to catch some fish and bugs, and to grab some bananas. After I returned to the mainland, I planted a couple of bananas on the beach. I then sold some things at Nookling Junction T&T Mart and paid off my house.
After that, I went to bed. When I started the game up today, I got quite a surprise waiting for me outside my door…it was Shrunk!
He told me that he wanted to open up shop in the shopping district on Main Street. He wants to open a live venue that he calls Club LOL.

Why can’t it be called Club 444? Or Club 101? Even Club 90210 would be better! But even though I hate the name, I definitely would LOVE to see the club opened ASAP! But I needed signatures of six residents on the petition before it can become official…
So I quickly went around and asked the first six villagers I could find: Big Top, Aurora, Harry, Tex, Katt, and Rory. They all agreed that it sounds like a great idea.
I then hurried to the shopping district to hand the paper over to Shrunk. He said construction will start soon, but he can’t say when exactly it’ll be done. If I were to guess, I’d imagine the construction will be up tomorrow and then it’ll be done on Friday. But we’ll have to wait and see.
That’s great news! I’ve been dying to get some emotions and songs! When I was done talking to Shrunk, I went next door to Nook Homes. Tom Nook congratulated me on paying off my house and told me my next house expansion will be done tomorrow morning.
I then headed over to T&T Mart for my two fortune cookies. I got fortunes #33 and #1. They were good for Pikmin and a mushroom mural, respectively. But before I returned home, I stopped in the Able Sisters and bought a deep blue tee.
Once I got home, I put up my wallpaper and put my Pikmin down. Good thing my house is getting bigger tomorrow, because it’s getting kinda crowded in here!
I also made a stop at the train station. There are lockers here, where you can access your storage if you don’t have a dresser or closet in your house. It’s also convenient to use when traveling. By the way, your storage lets you hold a total of 18 pages, with 10 items on each page. So it can fit 180 items, which is bigger than the storage in City Folk (160 items).
And last but not least, I returned to the beach for some fishing, and to check on my banana trees I planted last night. It looks like they’re going to make it!
Have a great day everyone, and I’ll be back with another update tomorrow! Thank you for stopping by!