Tabby’s Favorite Makeup

At Club LOL today, I finally got the shock emotion from Shrunk! I’m really glad to have it.

Shrunk: My Shocked Joke is just the thing to CURE what ails you!After collecting my four daily fossils, I found a lost item on the beach. I went around asking Katt, Rolf, Molly, Tex, Benedict, and Rory, but it didn’t belong to any of them. Aurora was in Re-Tail, but it wouldn’t let me ask her about it. So I barged into Fuchsia’s house, and she thought it was a raid!

Fuchsia: ...Man, I thought this was some kind of daring nighttime raid or some crazy thing like that. Uh-huh!What is she growing in here that she fears a raid? Hmmm…

Well the lost item wasn’t hers, but I gave her a gift from Molly. She thanked me and gave me a lemon. A lemon. Really?

Pashmina hands me a lemon in her house.I kid, but a foreign fruit from a villager is actually a nice reward. It’s no snack bar, but I’ll take it.

As for the lost item, I had to think to figure out who I hadn’t asked yet. Oh no…Tabby. I hadn’t seen Tabby around town, so I headed over to her house. Her light wasn’t on, but Tabby was home. And thankfully, the lost item was hers.

Tabby: Wow! I thought I'd lost my schmancy pouch forever!She said it was full of her favorite makeup!

Tabby: I keep my favorite makeup inside, so I'm glad to get this back, Jeff!Just look at that face…

Tabby: I'd better try harder not to lose my things when walking around!As thanks, she gave me a blue gym tee. After a quick stop at Re-Tail, I ended my game for the night.