Late last night, I played some New Leaf with my friend Wendy. We toured my museum, which is something I rarely do.
The aquarium is looking really nice now that it has a bigger selection of fish in it.
We hung out at my town for a while, and went to her town as well.
And we also went out to the island.
I discovered something interesting while there. When you’re sitting in the chairs at the island, waiting for the boat, it won’t leave while you’re doing an emotion. So I did my dancing emotion, which lasts quite long compared to the regular emotions, and it had to wait for it to finish before the boat would leave. It seemed to let me restart the emotion too, so I can see that getting abused once more people get that emotion.
As for today, not a whole lot was going on in Forest. I worked in the cafe and got my first three customers perfect. But my fourth customer was Phyllis, who I didn’t have ample notes on. She drank the coffee, said it was “not bad,” and then walked out. I assume it wasn’t perfect, but she didn’t give an indication what was wrong with it either.
In the Dream Suite, I updated my dream town (as I do every day). Luna informed me that 1,021 people have visited Forest in their dreams. That’s the first time I’ve seen it top 1,000, so thank you all for stopping by!
I also made a trip to the island for some bug-catching tonight. When I returned, I had enough money to finish paying off my modern police station! It will be completed tomorrow!