Digging up a Time Capsule

It was 7:58 p.m. when I first started up the game tonight, so I quickly rushed to Club LOL to get an emotion before they opened up for the night. I made it in time (barely) and Shrunk taught me the disbelief emotion.

Shrunk, using disbelief emotion: So if you see me do THIS... It means I'm scared a tomato is on a direct flight to my FACE!Shrunk: That look you're giving me... Don't get any ideas!As I returned to town, I worked a shift at the Roost. I did okay, earning some good coffee beans. Brewster also gave me some cream and sugar (a furniture item).

Some cream and sugar I got from Brewster.Fuchsia is all packed and ready to move out, so I went to say goodbye to her.

Fuchsia: Oh, Jeff! You here to help? I'm moving tomorrow... Actually I'm pretty much done packing.And outside in the rain, Rory approached me and told me he’s ready for me to dig up his time capsule!

Rory: I'm thinking it's about time to open the time capsule you buried for me the other day!I went and dug it up and took it back to him. He opened it up and found a sweaty shirt inside, which he offered to me. Gee, thanks.

Rory: Ha ha! Want an old, sweat-soaked blue plaid tee of mine?After reading the enclosed letter he wrote himself, he was embarrassed.

Rory: Hoo! This is embarrassing! I was so immature back then!He then gave me the sweaty blue plaid tee…oh joy.

Rory: It's a blue plaid tee! Thank you, J dog! I feel like I've touched the future.Anyway, I got my famous painting in the mail from Crazy Redd. And this time, it was the real thing! I donated it to the museum. It’s nice to see it finally displayed with its real name, Mona Lisa.

Title of famous painting: Mona LisaI stopped in Shampoodle for some color contacts; I now have blue eyes.

Me with blue eye contacts.And in the Able Sisters, there was a curious item for sale…a leaf.

Labelle: Oh, wow! That flashy look is very nice on you!

Rain Rain Go Away

Late last night, I was looking for bugs in the rain and I heard a balloon present overhead. But it wasn’t a regular present, it was another silver slingshot! I’m not sure why I would need a second one, but I shot it down anyway.

A silver slingshot, on two silver balloons, floats overhead in the rain.And even though I didn’t catch any new July bugs in the short time that I played last night, I did catch a new fish: an arapaima!

I caught an arapaima! And it looks like it's in its prime-a!When I started up the game today, it was still raining. This rain is seriously annoying. So I headed over to the cafe. Before working my shift, I said hello to Aurora, who was enjoying her coffee.

Aurora: A warm drink in good company helps melt away the stress of the day. I'll sleep well tonight!Back out in the rain, I saw Rory. He said he wanted his face on a bag of chips… I don’t think anyone would buy those chips, Rory.

Rory: I want my face on a bag of chips...He also had a flea on him, so I was nice enough to catch it.

Crazy Redd was in town, so I went in his tent to see what he had. I wasn’t sure which item was the correct one, but I took a chance on a famous painting again. Hopefully it’ll be the real thing this time.

Redd: I dare ya to say no to somethin' this nice at a price as crazy as 3,920 bells! Straight up dare!And over by the town tree, Katt was ranting about something or other. I wasn’t paying much attention to her blabbering until she called herself pretty cool! Hahahaha, thanks for the laugh, Katt! 😀

Katt: Can you believe it? I mean, I'm pretty cool. I'm just not rich! But why say something so rude?But apparently, she was asking for some furniture to put in her house. I was going to see if I could give her a gyroid I had dug out of the ground, but then I saw that the flea I plucked off of Rory was an item I was able to give her! Yes! Take that! I feed Katt lemons and make her use fleas as furniture. I’m such a good friend and mayor! 😉

Katt: A flea?! As a decoration? Well...I guess so...And since Rolf was there, I talked to him too. But he insulted guys who don’t use umbrellas in the rain. -.-

Nowadays, nobody values guys who refuse to use umbrellas in the rain.After that, I headed up to Main Street. In Club LOL, Shrunk taught me the “cold chill” emotion. It’s the one where the wind blows and the leaf flies by. ♪ cold chill ♪

Shrunk: My Cold Chill Joke is just the thing to CURE what ails you!Over at T.I.Y., the song Steep Hill was for sale. It’s one of my favorites, so I definitely snatched it up.

Tommy: Ah, Steep Hill! A fine item, yes?The Able Sisters had a space helmet for sale. I bought it so I’d have it in my catalog, in case I dress up as an astronaut at some point in the future. It is curious that Labelle considers it to be “sporty” though.

Labelle: Oh, wow! That sporty look is very nice on you!And before I wrapped up my evening, I talked to Tabby for some reason. At least she seems to realize she belongs in a toilet. 😉

Tabby: All this rain is making me feel like I'm totally circling the drain. Make it stop, Jeff!

Tabby’s Favorite Makeup

At Club LOL today, I finally got the shock emotion from Shrunk! I’m really glad to have it.

Shrunk: My Shocked Joke is just the thing to CURE what ails you!After collecting my four daily fossils, I found a lost item on the beach. I went around asking Katt, Rolf, Molly, Tex, Benedict, and Rory, but it didn’t belong to any of them. Aurora was in Re-Tail, but it wouldn’t let me ask her about it. So I barged into Fuchsia’s house, and she thought it was a raid!

Fuchsia: ...Man, I thought this was some kind of daring nighttime raid or some crazy thing like that. Uh-huh!What is she growing in here that she fears a raid? Hmmm…

Well the lost item wasn’t hers, but I gave her a gift from Molly. She thanked me and gave me a lemon. A lemon. Really?

Pashmina hands me a lemon in her house.I kid, but a foreign fruit from a villager is actually a nice reward. It’s no snack bar, but I’ll take it.

As for the lost item, I had to think to figure out who I hadn’t asked yet. Oh no…Tabby. I hadn’t seen Tabby around town, so I headed over to her house. Her light wasn’t on, but Tabby was home. And thankfully, the lost item was hers.

Tabby: Wow! I thought I'd lost my schmancy pouch forever!She said it was full of her favorite makeup!

Tabby: I keep my favorite makeup inside, so I'm glad to get this back, Jeff!Just look at that face…

Tabby: I'd better try harder not to lose my things when walking around!As thanks, she gave me a blue gym tee. After a quick stop at Re-Tail, I ended my game for the night.