When I started up the game today, Pete met me outside my house with a letter from Isabelle.
She sent me a new DLC item, the shaved ice lamp. I don’t quite understand why Nintendo is distributing this DLC the old ACCF-style letter-from-Pete way instead of the new “ask for it at the post office” style. But I won’t complain, since this way is better for lazy people like me. Anyway, this is what it looks like. I actually think it looks more like a sundae than shaved ice, though.
Around 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Wendy and Dash came over to visit. At least two other people were trying to get in, but couldn’t. (They were getting error messages.) But the three of us went in my house and were playing musical instruments in my upstairs room.
Back outside, Big Top sounded excited that a flower sparkled after he watered it. And I’m not quite sure if he used a watering can or his trunk.
And down on the beach, I used a Roman candle to burn Wendy’s armpit.
We started catching some bugs and fish. I even put my wet suit on and went diving. I caught something new, a turban shell.
Also, while we were diving, invisible jellyfish kept stinging me and Wendy! We didn’t see anything at all, but we got stung repeatedly! Weird.
Dash later asked about the glitch I had done previously, so I glitched him and Wendy up onto the train tracks. After they were done, Wendy glitched me up there too. I did a little happy dance.
I accidentally went up onto Main Street (which effectively ends the glitch), so my train track visit was a short one this time.
After that, I talked to Rolf and he told me it’s time to take a break now. This is one thing I really hate about New Leaf. The animals pester you to take a break. Come on now, I’m not playing Virtual Boy!
So I started beating Rory with my toy hammer. And I was taking pictures of the beating, which probably wasn’t smart. I don’t want my villagers to impeach me as mayor!
But then something happened. As I took a picture, I got a dreaded error message: “The photo limit has been reached. Delete some to save more.” *Warning: Rant ahead* Now my SD card was nowhere near full. It still has enough space for thousands of pictures still. And I already hated how 3DS limits picture files to 100 per folder. It causes renaming issues if you like to combine them into one folder on your computer.
ACCF didn’t have this photo limit issue. Not only does my Wii SD card have over 4,000 pictures saved without an issue, but they’re all in the same folder! That works so much better. I really don’t like how Nintendo handles picture files on 3DS. But back to the main issue, it seems that there must be some arbitrary limit on how many pictures a game or app can save.
However, I may have found a fix. A while back, Wendy had this photo limit problem too. She moved her picture files to her computer, yet she was still getting the error message. I suggested that she takes a picture with her 3DS camera to see if that saves. It did, and then she was able to save pictures in New Leaf again too.
So after I was done playing on Wi-Fi, I shut down New Leaf and started up the 3DS camera. I took a picture or two, and then started up the game again. This time, I was able to save pictures again! Without deleting anything off my memory card. I took a picture of my house just to test it.
I continued playing and taking pictures and I didn’t have any more issues. I’m not sure if this photo limit issue will crop up again or not. So this may not be a permanent fix. I’ll be sure to mention it if I have this problem again.
Anyway, I continued playing a bit even though my guests were gone. Rolf asked me for some furniture, and I gave him a sweetfish. In return, he gave me a wide-screen TV. Nice trade!
I started shaking some trees. I ended up uncovering five bees, catching three of them. Fortunately, my 3D glasses hid my swollen eye. But of course the animals can magically see through them.
I earned enough money to pay off my latest house expansion. But unfortunately, Nook Homes was closed, so I couldn’t choose what I wanted done next. But I’ll have to talk to him about that tomorrow. That’s all for tonight, so have a good weekend everyone! I’ll be back with more tomorrow.
By the way, this was my 100th day with New Leaf! Thanks to Andy for pointing that out. I still haven’t missed a day yet!