Goodbye Rory

Last night, I returned to briefly see the fireworks and I got a heart bopper from Isabelle.

Wearing the heart bopper that I got from Isabelle at the fireworks festival.And today, my perfect peach tree bore fruit. More perfect peaches.

Three new perfect peaches on my tree!I planted them all. So hopefully in a few days, I’ll have four perfect peach trees.

I went in Rory’s house and found him all packed up and ready to leave. The punk never even told me himself until now. I had to hear it from Big Top.

Rory: I finally decided to move out, and I'm getting ready for it now.As for our goodbye, it was weird.

Rory: We'll always be linked with each other by our muscle telepathy.But Big Top is becoming quite the villager. Not only did he inform me of Rory’s decision days before Rory did, but he suggested the lighthouse project yesterday. And if that wasn’t enough, he suggested another public works project today! It was a stone tablet.

Big Top: Hey, did you know getting a stone tablet could boost our town coolness by 347 percent?Sounded pretty good. At least until I went to see what it looked like.

Stone tablet PWP: 39,800 bells.I just have one question about it: WHAT IS IT? “Stone tablet” isn’t quite accurate enough. It reminds me of a melting clock, but I could also see it as a giant dinosaur egg with rainbow graffiti on it. Whatever it is, I sure don’t want it in my town. Well I suppose I could put Tabby in front of it and use it as a dart board…

But while I was at town hall, I decided to finish what I wanted to start yesterday: Choosing a location for my lighthouse. I put it just to the left of my ramp, where it will be visible from my dock. If you look closely, you can see the top of Lloid’s head (or…dome?) in this picture:

The location I picked out for my lighthouse, as seen from the dock.I made a big payment towards the lighthouse, but it still needs around 97,000 more bells. So I’ll be able to pay it off in two or three days. Anyway, that’s all for tonight but I’ll be back tomorrow with more!