Dead Perfect Peach Tree

Last night, Wendy came over for a brief visit. She used the ultra hand on me. Got your nose!

Getting my nose pinched by the ultra hand.Then today, my first perfect peach tree had a new batch of perfect peaches for me. But when I shook them down, the tree died!

My dead perfect peach tree.So I replanted one of the perfect peaches.

Big Top and Rolf were hanging out by my bridge. I talked to Big Top, and he asked me to make a delivery to Rolf. Sure, no problem!

Big Top: Oh, and could you please take care of this today?So I turned around and gave the package to Rolf.

Rolf: Huh?! Big Top really sent me something? Wonder why...I love easy deliveries like that. Anyway, I continued around town and I spotted a tent at the campsite. Anicotti the mouse was camping there. I don’t want her.

Anicotti: I bet you weren't expecting to see super-stylish ME here!Over by my town tree, I found two items that someone left on the ground from last night.

Jeff, after seeing items left behind on the ground: Litterbug...Just a tip for people on my roster, and this applies to ACCF as well as New Leaf. It may be nice to offer items to people, but if nobody wants them, pick them back up. Do not just leave them there, please.

I went over by my wind turbine to take a new picture for my town page. But then the blade hit me in the head.

A blade of my wind turbine appears to hit me in the head.Actually I’m kidding about that. A mosquito happened to bite me at the very instant that I took the picture. The blade can’t really hit you. 😛

Alli the gator was nearby, and when I spoke to her, she suggested a new public works project! Unfortunately, it’s just a yield sign.

Alli: A yield sign! You do agree, right? RIGHT?This is what it looks like. I have no plans on installing this in my town.

Yield sign PWP: 43,500 bells.After that, I went up to Main Street for my shopping run. In T.I.Y., I spotted yet another former villager of mine: Yuka! Yuck! It feels like I never escape Forest’s ugly past! Even though real-life koalas are cute, I’m not a big fan of them in Animal Crossing.

Yuka: Well, hello, Jeff! Out for a little shopping, I see?Well at least Katt hasn’t shown up on Main Street yet. But I did buy a new carpet and wallpaper for my back room. It’s not ideal and it’s not going to be permanent, but it looks better than what I had in there before.

The new wallpaper and carpeting I'm now using in my back room.Aurora asked me for some new furniture. I tried catching a fish (a black bass) and tried giving it to her. But she said she wanted something she didn’t already own. Oops. So I bought a hospital TV from Re-Tail (it was only 700 bells) and gave that to her instead. She thanked me and gave me a modern wood chest! This was a piece that I needed for my modern wood room, so that’s great news! Unfortunately, that room is still 4×4 and it’s very crowded in there. But once I expand it, it’s going to look really nice.

Aurora: Here's my modern wood chest! Thank you so much for helping me!A new SpotPass house was sent out by Nintendo today. It belongs to Reiko from Biscotti. Her main room is your typical library with a shark tank. Wait, what?

A shark tank in the library of the SpotPass home belonging to Reiko from Biscotti.The rest of the house was nice, but nothing particularly noteworthy…except the basement. Somebody better call Fire Marshall Bill, because this is a major fire hazard. A room filled with wheat fields, with an open flame next to a scarecrow. I think Reiko’s next home is going to be a tent.

A room of wheat, with a scarecrow and an open flame in the SpotPass home of Reiko from Biscotti.