Shopping Run

I’ve been banging rocks lately, looking for a centipede. And last night, I finally caught one.

I caught a centipede! Impede the centipede!And today, as I was making my rounds, I spotted a lost item on the ground.

A lost item (a book) I found on the ground.Fortunately, it didn’t take me too long to find the rightful owner. It belonged to Big Top, who had written his name on the back of it. Why didn’t I think to look there?

Big Top: ...Hey! This is my book! See, I wrote my name on the back!After finishing up my tasks around town, I went up to Main Street to shop. T.I.Y. had a six lamp, which I bought. I want to get all of the number lamps so that I’ll have them if/when I need them. Certainly they’ll be helpful on New Year’s.

Tommy: I see you found our spotlight product of the day! Fance the lovely six lamp?And Tabby is apparently feeling better, since she was out shopping.

Tabby, in Able Sisters: Hurt me plenty! I was just out for a walk too, what am I?!But Tabby wasn’t the only animal I ran into in Able Sisters. Gabi was there too! And they started nibbling on my ears! Nooooooo!!

GIF of Tabby and Gabi nibbling my ears in Able Sisters.I was so horrified that I lost my mind for a while. To protect myself from evil creatures, I put a hamburger on my head. It made sense at the time.

Labelle: Wow, that's so cute and so wonderful!Over in Nook Homes, I decided to buy this white mailbox. My current one is red and doesn’t match my astro exterior very well.

Tom Nook: That white mailbox is a sample used when replacing your mailbox, yes?When I went back to town, Alli really insulted me. She said I look like a zombie!

Alli: Do you ever watch zombie movies, kiddo? Because you look like you're starring in one right now.
That made me so mad that I decided to eat her brain.

And then I helped Benedict out by trading one worthless item for another. But it made him happy.

Benedict: I was totally overheating, when you showed up and saved me by dumping a bucket of water on me!