Today, Benedict asked me what I thought of his clothes. I wasn’t sure what to say. I didn’t want to insult him, but I didn’t want to act like they were something amazing either. So I chose the “cute” option. However, he got insulted by that and thought I was comparing him to a stuffed animal.
Crazy Redd had a tent set up today, so I went inside to see what he had to offer. I ended up buying a scenic painting from him. However, I wasn’t very familiar with most of the paintings he had today. So I’m not feeling very confident this time.
Back outside, Canberra asked for a new catchphrase. I was feeling sarcastic, so I had her say this:
Someone asked me to make a delivery to Kidd…but I couldn’t find him around town anywhere! I even started going around to animals’ houses in case he was visiting someone. When I went in Tabby’s house, she indeed had a visitor. But it was Rolf, not Kidd. And he was standing by her bed, while she was staring out the window next to her shower.
When I talked to her, she offered me 3,000 bells for my angelfish. Where did she get that kind of money all of a sudden?
I continued my search for Kidd. The only house left to search was Molly’s, but he wasn’t in there. Molly was busy alphabetizing her kitchen utensils.
OCD much?
My search for Kidd led me to the museum, where I searched every single room. I even went back to town and checked the beach, but he wasn’t there either! Clearly he’s been Kidd-napped.
But just as I was preparing to plaster his face on milk cartons, I spotted a group of animals by my central bridge…including Kidd! These animals were not here before! I think he’s been using a Portal gun somehow. Anyway, I gave him his package–a mint gingham shirt.
He rewarded me with a five-ball tee. Seriously? I walked fifteen miles to find you and all I got was this lousy T-shirt?
FYI: I have recently updated my town page to reflect Kidd’s arrival, my updated map, and a picture of my zen garden.
Lol chatprase
nintendo gives you free copies of each game ‘cuase you avertise them, right? becuase I am 10 years old, and I want new leaf and a 3ds and i might help buy 6 others and 6 additoinal copies of each game i buy so my friends can play them with me, BUT i might not if you don’t change cannbera’s catchphrase to something apropriate. and that would mean nintendo is LOSING bisness becuase of you. to be fair, you’re tamadochi life seris was MUCH better.
Hmm, I smell a troll. Yeah, I’m sure a 10-year-old would be able to buy six 3DS systems and games for all their friends.
And why would a catchphrase I used eight years ago affect anyone’s decision to buy the game?