Today, Kidd was telling me about things that can appear in the sky. Like the rolling clouds in summer, the northern lights in winter, and…Superman?
And Rolf was telling me he wanted to dig some tunnels, because digging holes is in a man’s nature. There are so many poorly chosen words in that sentence. For one thing, digging holes sounds like something that would be in a dog’s nature. And Rolf isn’t a dog or a man, he’s a tiger. So I’m all sorts of confused.
Meanwhile, Canberra asked me how her clothes looked on her. I chose the “…” option, and she took that to mean I was staring at her. Uhh, I don’t think so.
Over by town hall, Tabby asked me why I was holding a shovel. She asked if it was because I was going to dig a bunch of pitfalls. I hadn’t been planning on it, but that’s a great idea!
So I did. Since it was her idea, I decided to let Tabby enjoy it firsthand.
Despite my kindness, she was in a bad mood. She’s so unappreciative.

I decided to escape her negativity and head on over to Teddy’s house. It’s Teddy’s birthday today! Aurora was helping him celebrate.
Teddy thanked me for coming, and I gave him my ruby polka-dot sofa as a birthday present.
He said days like this make him appreciate his bros and ladybros. Uhh, whatever you say.
Once I left Teddy’s birthday party, I saw Canberra again. She told me to take a cactus off of her hands. Too bad she meant it figuratively, not literally. I would have enjoyed seeing a cactus stuck to her.
I then finished up my day by doing my shopping on Main Street. I’ll be back with more tomorrow.