Saharah was in town today, asking for 3,000 bells for new carpet and wallpaper.
She took my money and redecorated my main room. She installed a cabin wall and kiddie carpet.
I quickly returned my room to the way it was. Outside, Big Top told me how he was tired from all the relaxing he did today.

And at 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Wendy and Daisy came over to visit. I asked for someone to watch a movie with me, and Daisy came over and we sat in my underground seats. We watched Lyle in The Happy Homes of Horror.
We sat on the yellow bench at the park, doing the Shrunk Funk Shuffle. We’re derpy and we know it.
After a disconnection (one of several we had throughout the night), Daisy returned with bubble wands for us. Thanks, Daisy!
After some merging and sliding by the train tracks, we headed down towards the dock. But first, Daisy let us know that she trapped “Cranberry” (Canberra) on the edge of the river. Since Cranberry smells pretty rotten, we decided to give her a bubble bath.
Of course the bubbles won’t reach all of her nooks and crannies, but hopefully it will remove some of the stench. After a rinse, we put her in the dryer on “fluff.” We then went down to the island, where we did a gardening tour. We had to fill the designated area with white flowers.
We earned a gold Tortimer award and eight medals. After that, we did some bug-catching and fishing. I believe I had three sharks in addition to the bugs I caught. I was almost ready to return to Forest when Daisy went on BRB. And then it happened. We disconnected. We lost all of our catches. So infuriating.
The lack of a save feature on the island is one of the biggest flaws with New Leaf. Yeah, I know going on a tour saves the game, but sometimes you don’t want to play a tour. And if someone is on BRB, you can’t do it anyway. The host should have the ability to save the game, period. Going to the island on Wi-Fi is risky business.
After that, I didn’t feel like reopening my gate so I ended my game for the night. I’ll be back with more tomorrow. Have a great weekend, everyone!