Happy Halloween, everyone! Tammy moved into town today, so I went to go meet her. She came from the town of Granvale, which is the town of someone I StreetPassed.
To prepare for the Halloween festivities, I began trapping my villagers around 5:30 p.m. That was a very useful strategy in Animal Crossing: City Folk, and I was hoping it would be just as helpful in New Leaf.
As expected, outdoor villagers put on their pumpkin heads when the festivities began at 6:00.
They couldn’t chase me down because they were trapped. If you give them candy, they will give you hints about what the indoor animals are scared of.
It wasn’t long before I met up with Jack himself. The first time you speak to him, he just explains how it works.
You have to wear masks to scare the indoor villagers. But each of them will only be afraid of one of the six Halloween masks (werewolf hood, bug mask, mummy mask, ghost mask, skeleton hood, or monster mask). If you choose correctly, you’ll scare them and they’ll give you a lollipop. You can then give the lollipop to Jack for a piece of creepy furniture.
But if you guess wrong, they won’t be scared…
And then you’ll have to play a game with them, such as rock, paper, scissors. If you win the game, they’ll give you a piece of candy. You can give it to Jack for a piece of furniture (it may be spooky or creepy) or one of the six Halloween masks mentioned above. But if you lose the game, the animal will play a prank on you such as turning your clothes into patched clothes or giving you an old wallpaper/flooring, which is considered trash.
It took some hints from villagers and some trial-and-error, but I discovered that Tabby was afraid of werewolves, Molly was afraid of ghosts, Skye was afraid of mummies, and skeletons scared Rolf, Aurora, and Benedict.

Tammy, who was in the process of moving in, did not participate at all.
From down on the beach, I saw one of my trapped villagers and took a picture.
While I was out enjoying the festivities, I would hear, and shoot down, a balloon every now and then.
After playing solo for a while, I opened my gate and Wendy came over to visit.
I eventually completed my collection of creepy furniture. I actually played longer than I needed to, but I forgot that the creepy set only has ten items: eight furniture pieces, a wallpaper, and a carpet. The creepy furniture first appeared as DLC in ACCF, which explains why it’s not a typical furniture set.
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I took a break from playing, but I later returned when I realized I forgot to get a pumpkin head! You can get them from the outdoor villagers or Jack by refusing them candy and losing their games, while not wearing any headgear. There are several different colors of pumpkin heads, so I went around losing games on purpose.
Teddy thinks he’s playing a trick on me, but it’s actually quite a treat.
I then saw someone in a Phineas costume! Oh wait, it was actually Phineas. It turns out the balloons I shot down throughout the evening have qualified me for the silver Balloon Buster badge! I’m a balloon-popping monsterrrrr!
I then continued my quest to get a bunch of pumpkin heads.
I’m not sure how many colors there are in total, but I was able to get the regular orange ones (from Jack) as well as red, yellow, purple, and green. I turned my back room into a creepy room, and I displayed my pumpkin heads in there as well.