I got a letter in the mail from Gulliver today. Even though I guessed his destination wrong yesterday, he still sent me a gift: a chocolate coin. I ate it up.
Katrina was in town, so I went to see her. She told me that zap boots were the key to unlocking good fortune.
Near the river, I heard a mole cricket. So I started digging holes, and I found it on my third attempt. I switched to my net and just barely caught it before it could reach the river. The game makes a reference to Resetti when you catch it.
It was well after 8:00, so I went up to Club LOL to watch K.K. perform. I asked for a random song and he sang Señor K.K. for me.
In the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Lauren from Itaport was my most recent dream visitor. Hi Lauren!
I went into my house, and in my sleek room, I found my missing monster mask! It was in a place that wasn’t quite visible by the default camera angle. It didn’t cause any problems on Halloween by not having it though, since none of my indoor villagers that night were scared of it anyway.
Aurora hollered out for me while I was in there. I went to my main room and she came in to visit. After talking to her a couple times, she gave me an alpine bed for free.
While looking through my storage, I saw three gold nuggets. I took them to Cyrus and he turned them into a golden wall. It was an item I already had, but thanks anyway, I guess.
I went fishing for a few minutes and I caught my first blowfish.
I went up the museum to donate it. Oh hootie hoo, it’s a blowfish. Blathers and that fish should start up a band. I know the perfect name for it…