Today, Tabby suggested a new public works project: a metal bench.
It actually looks pretty nice. I guess Tabby isn’t completely useless after all.
Rolf was telling me about a dream he had, but I can’t quite relate to it.
Gulliver was down on the beach. I figured out he was headed to Spain. He said he’ll send me a gift from there.
Up in the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Alice from 1derland was my most dream visitor. Clever name there, Alice.
Aurora told me she was going to move out of town on November 23rd, but I made sure she changed her mind right away.
Rolf asked me to catch him a sea horse, so I headed to the ocean in search of one. Surprisingly, it didn’t take me very long to catch one.
I took it back to Rolf, but he only rewarded me with a rose-sky tee. Ugh.