Tonight, Kidd was making fun of me for wearing sunglasses at night. So I can, So I can…
Outside, Rolf suggested a new public works project, a drilling rig.
Of course I appreciate having a new PWP added to my list of available projects, but I don’t plan on putting this one in my town. This is what it looks like:
But I did decide to install a different project, the metal bench. I’m installing it in front of my fountain, so I’ll be able to sit there and see the fountain in the background. Also, it will give me a chance to sit next to an animal. Even though I have one bench in my park area, I’ve never seen animals sit on it. I believe it’s because it’s in a distant corner of town. This new bench is front and center, so I expect to see animals using it (hopefully) on a regular basis.
Luna told me that Ashleigh from Bellwood was my most recent dream visitor. When I returned to town, Skye started singing the town tune of Ruby. Ruby is Chris’s town, which is where Skye lived before she moved to Forest.
I decided to make a quick trip out to the island, where I participated in the evening firefly tour. I caught twelve fireflies in five minutes, earning me a gold Tortimer award and 12 medals.
When I returned from the island, I noticed a friend was online. So I asked if I could stop over to sell some perfect peaches there, and I scored 75,000 bells for the sale. After that, I returned to Forest and ended my night.
Two new QR codes have been submitted by Beth to the QR Codes page, so check that out to see her new snowman sweater and snowman sweater dress.