First Snow

The first snow of the season fell in Forest today!!

The first snow flurries of the season!Not only does it look nice, but it gives me a break from watering flowers. And it signals the end of the dry autumn season. But I’m not the only one in town who was glad to see it; Teddy was also pretty pumped about the snow.

Teddy: I love the snow! It makes me want to run a million miles!While making my rounds, I ran into Rolf. He invited himself over to my house.

Rolf: Wow, you're pretty flexible, huh? Awesome! Let's get going! I'll be right behind you, in my cage!But once we got there, he wasn’t very flattering. He called my house a mess.

Rolf: Other people might call this place a mess, but if it works for you, then what's the problem, right?After he eventually left, Big Top invited me over to his house! What’s with all these house visits lately?

Big Top: I was going to offer you some nice ginger ale, but I drank it all. Hope you're OK with that.I soon made my way up to Main Street. Luna told me that Jeff from Tokyo was my most recent dream visitor. And T&T Emporium had Spring Blossoms for sale. It’s a song I needed for my music player, so I bought it.

Tommy: Ah, Spring Blossoms! A fine item, yes?My (human) friend Skye asked me what my turnip prices were. After I told her Re-Tail was buying them for 134 bells each, she asked me to open my gate so she could sell hers.

After she was done, we made a quick trip out to the island. I needed to catch a butterfly for Teddy, and it was too late to catch one on the mainland. So I caught an emperor, and then we went on an easy balloon-popping tour. We scored 116 points and earned gold Tortimer awards.

Tortimer: And your final score is...116 points!We returned to Forest and I ended the party. Later, I took the butterfly to Teddy. His reward for me was pretty lame (wallpaper), but he made a funny comment about his frostbite getting frostbite. You’d think a big bear like Teddy wouldn’t be so bothered by the first few snowflakes of the season. Winter has a long way to go, buddy.

Teddy: Ohhh! My frostbite is getting frostbite, waddle!